hey everyone marhaba

long time i didn't come around; well i did a little but didn't have time to post
glad that some of u got the visaaaa yaaaay, mabrooooook, hope Khalid will get news soon too
even the interview is a good sign, musab, congrats from before

as for ur question maybe feverdreams is right, i think if they wanted more relationship proofs they would have asked and they did ask other people before but not u, so just make sure that u go with what they asked and that u go through everything u wrote in the forms and with confidence

we had another member whose wife had interview recently, a few months ago, if u go a few pages back u'll see her experience; maybe u'll get the same nice officer

if it makes u feel better taking more proofs and u have them handy u can take but give them only if they ask; plus at the interview maybe u'll feel if there's need to give them or not; good luck!!
welcome to the new members too, one of u said his application was sent directly to Amman in May; ours too was sent directly to Amman in April and the status online is still application received (which is ok, our turn will probably b sometime next year) from people here noone who applied in 2012 had any move in their file, no interview either (and the interview will not happen for everyone); so my advice seat back relax be patient and try to keep urself busy with other things for now
for the ones with family in Damascus God help them and protect them always; just pray hard and the hardship wil soon finish inshallah
i say nothing abt our file cuz since July (when luckily they confirmed some email we send and said something general) we know nothing; but thanks God we had a busy summer and still do and we didn't really feel the time; i actually ordered GCMS notes (just out of curiosity, my expectation r very low loool) - if i at least see that they updated the file with what we emailed them i would b happy ;D if there will b smthg interesting when we get them i'll update u
take care everyone and best of luck!!