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  1. Davmeister13

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    I don't get why, as my wife is a Canadian Citizen. Either way she's replied to the email with a copy of my passport stamp and an updated consent form. If that doesn't work we'll just suck up the $5, not like its much anyways! :P
  2. Davmeister13

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    No, My wife is. We filled out the form with her applying for the notes, with me signing the consent to say she could access the information.
  3. Davmeister13

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    I got a reply for a notes request today. I think I've filled in the information wrong! They said that I need to be a permanent resident, otherwise my wife cannot make a request on our file without having to pay. Anyone got a clue? EDIT: Re-reading the email it seems like I need to supply a scan...
  4. Davmeister13

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Logged in to ECAS today under my name instead of my wife. Noticed that ECAS has actually changed my address. I sent them a message back in September and got a reply saying it was changed internally, but this is the first time it has been updated online. I'm hoping this means that someones picked...
  5. Davmeister13

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Sent a CSE to London to remind them of my medical's expiry in a few days. Hoping this might prompt the "As a one off tell us where you've traveled" email that others have got so far. Also asked them for a general update. I know I won't get anything but I thought I'd prod them and point out that...
  6. Davmeister13

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    I recently came in as Duel-Intent, and I booked a return ticket. It was £450 for a return with Air Canada or £1200 for a single!! Sometimes its worth fiddling with the dates and use a return as a single instead :)
  7. Davmeister13

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Congrats!! Looks like 2014 is slowly being done!
  8. Davmeister13


    Hi All, I'm pretty sure I'm part of the "old" In Process group (Nov 2014 Applicant, In Process Mid-Sept 2015), but from what I've read the old group doesn't have the "Medicals have been received" line until close to DM. However my application has always had the line about medicals since Sponsor...
  9. Davmeister13

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Congratulations! Its only two words on a website but for us its the best two words you could have seen! Happy landing :)
  10. Davmeister13

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    I've had zero correspondence from CIC, except from Sponsor Approval. Other than that I have heard nothing in this entire process
  11. Davmeister13

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Congrats! Have a good landing! Here's me hoping I'm next since we're two days apart!
  12. Davmeister13

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Awesome, in that case I'll order some notes soon then! I noticed we are on a similar schedule, despite you having applied before me. I guess I'll wait until a week or so after my medical has expired, and then send a CSE if I haven't heard anything then. I'm glad to know its not just me thats...
  13. Davmeister13

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    General update: Entered Canada under Duel-Intent on Oct 3rd, got sent to the secondary questioning room (?) at the border, no real hassle but had to show all the documents etc. Today marks 11 months since our application was filed in Mississauga, and 40 days since we went into process. Medical...
  14. Davmeister13

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    When did you originally take your medical? Mine expires on Nov 6th, I emailed them a few weeks ago but I only got a response acknowledging my change of address. I wonder if I'll get the same email as you soon, since we're only 2 days apart on the spreadsheet :)
  15. Davmeister13

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Good to know! I've got all the paperwork printed, and have printed a bank statement for proof of funds for supporting myself too. We just came back from Greece a few days ago and the UK officer gave us lots of hassle trying to get back in. She was even asking us questions about my intentions of...
  16. Davmeister13

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    General update here, not sure if it matters for the spreadsheet or not! Sent a CSE to London a week ago informing them of my medical's expiry on the 26/10, and also an updated address to my wife's house in Canada. ECAS hasn't change to reflect the address yet and I haven't heard back. Entering...
  17. Davmeister13

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    I filed a week month after you and I feel the same. You'd think if they had started on Dec/Jan applications they'd have started to finish the majority of November applications. Leaves you unsure as to when you'll actually get DM :/ Best of luck to you
  18. Davmeister13

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Not that I know of, we only have 3 lines on ECAS. Date Recieved, Date Medicals Recieved, and the Processing date. Heres hoping its straight forward for us! I was going to send a CSE in a week informing them of my Medical expiring on Oct 24th, and me moving as duel intent on Oct 3rd. Think I...
  19. Davmeister13

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Just checked ECAS this morning and our application has gone into processing! Its been back-dated to March 5th, 2015, but today is the first time its shown online! Here I was thinking it'd be another couple of months before we heard anything!
  20. Davmeister13

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    I'm not sure if it is the only option, but it is what I think most people have done. I'll be going over in October to wait it out as Duel Intent. There are working holiday visas sometimes but I'm pretty sure they go in like the first day of applications being open. Other than that their is a...