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  1. McDutch

    Re-medical was received today. What is the estimated timeline from now?

    Dear experts, After a long process, i did my re-medical on january 22nd and today they showed up on ECAS. Is there any indication on how long it would take from now on? I assume it's in Vienna's best interest to finalize the application to help with their statistics. I heard that the only ask...
  2. McDutch


    ECAS now shows my medical results have been received. I hope it's done soon now.
  3. McDutch


    I re-did my medical on January 22nd, still no news. 5 weeks left on my work visa :(
  4. McDutch

    June 2012 Applicants - Join Here

    June applicant still waiting!
  5. McDutch

    Spousal sponsorship

    Question: I received a request to re-do my medicals in January and redid them here in Ottawa on January 22nd. The doctors office told me the results have been forwarded to Ottawa on February 1st and that they will send the information over to Vienna. Does anyone know what the timeline is from...
  6. McDutch


    Sanben, will do. I do expect that Ottawa has picked it up by now and will forward the results shortly, if they aren't already in the mail. We had some holidays last month as well, so it should be any time now. I wish i could contact Ottawa though to verify they received them yet. Oh well
  7. McDutch


    SanBen, Nope. I did my re-med here in Ottawa so they will be sending it there and they will forward it to Vienna. I got an e-mail from Vienna this morning and they told me the info hasn't arrived yet. (The Dr's office send out the results on Feb 1st) They will contact me as soon as they...
  8. McDutch


    Hahha, Messenger the Oracle! I hope so! At least i am already in Canada with my wife
  9. McDutch


    7 weeks left on my current Visa.... I hope it gets here soon or i'll lose my job...again.
  10. McDutch

    Sponsorship problem, they started to demand money I feel scammed!

    Considering you haven't even send in the paperwork there isn't much going on. But here is how this "scam" would work. She would ask you for money to pay for the paperwork, while never sending it in. That is the only thing you can get scammed on. It would be incredibly dumb for her to sponsor...
  11. McDutch

    Sponsorship problem, they started to demand money I feel scammed!

    Sounds like immigration is the least of your worries. And yeah, with lawyer fees it is easily 3K to sponsor you. Are you sure you have been doing your part? If i was your wife i'd freak out as well if you have no intention of coming to Canada and rather stay where you are. This problem isn't...
  12. McDutch


    It's a confirmation that you are a permanent resident of canada, but you can't use it at the border. It's a place holder until you receive your permanent residency card.
  13. McDutch

    Sponsorship problem, they started to demand money I feel scammed!

    Are you sure she isn't just asking for the money it takes to sponsor someone? You do realize it costs over $1000 to sponsor someone. Also, scamming someone as a sponsor is the dumbest scam in the world.
  14. McDutch


    Still no news after re-medical and landing fee request
  15. McDutch


    Still here, still nothing. Did my re-medical on Jan 22nd in Ottawa, but no news since.
  16. McDutch


    So, i redid my medical and paid my landing fee after they requested it. Any time now guys
  17. McDutch

    separating after six month- consequences on husband

    You ARE still responsible for him financially though, if he loses his job, you are paying for his wellfare.
  18. McDutch

    RPRF question

    I don't think you understand. If they ask for the money, you pay the money. Any non-conformity on your behalf is going to work against you.
  19. McDutch


    You should be done soon. Medicals are the last stretch and VO Offices get rated on the speed the finalize applications on. Once they receive the last piece of the puzzle (meds) it is also in their best interest to finalize the application ASAP.