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  1. C

    delay in citizenship recognised by govt

    well are they really catching fraud or they have poor fraud prevention technologies that take it so long? how come many other 1st world countries process applications much quicker and at the same time prevent fraud?
  2. C

    delay in citizenship recognised by govt

    Don't you want to be able vote and have a say in your country's future? If you really care about your country you'd want to vote the people who you believe is best for your country!
  3. C

    delay in citizenship recognised by govt

    12 months still a LOOOOOOOOONG time IMO :P :P :P
  4. C

    Jason Kenny wants citizenship applications processed in 12 months

    12 months still long though.
  5. C

    jobs for canadians

    did it also state "must be of Caucasian descent"?
  6. C

    cbsa vs CIC

    are you from a 'third world country' by any chance?
  7. C

    Language requirements and EOI

    wow so the Canadian EoI will not have language requirements???
  8. C

    cbsa vs CIC

    and with citizenship you are able to vote and have a say in the country's future. delaying your citizenship means delaying your ability to participate in the democratic processes of a county you have contributed to. if people want to leave after becoming citizens, it's their option to make...
  9. C

    cbsa vs CIC

    I don't see what Calais had to do with the citizenship application process. Indeed it's a privilege, but it's a privilege happily ang welcomingly shared thru the efficient processing times in Country A's citizenship process of only 60 days. yes, you heard it, 60 days not months. if the host...
  10. C

    cbsa vs CIC

    one would not mind the RQ if it's processed in 48 days, not 48 months. it's the bureaucratic inefficiency reminiscent of third-world low-tech red tape that everybody hates!
  11. C

    Campaign to Amend Section 5 of the Citizenship Act

    :o that surely is going to take a lot of time to process. if the processing times don't improve dramatically the paper files keep piling up and up and will become a mountain which will further extend processing times.
  12. C

    cbsa vs CIC

    i'm Canadian by birth ;) and my experience with Country A's citizenship application process is very high-tech and very efficient - as expected from a First World country ;) if you're just going to accept things as they are and not think of innovations to improve processes, unfortunately...
  13. C

    cbsa vs CIC

    ummm we're only talking about citizenship applications here. in Country A these privacy issues are taken care of. privacy complaints are unheard of. in fact you will hear far more complaints against CIC's nosey and intrusive application process than Country A's straightforward electronic...
  14. C

    cbsa vs CIC

    it's terrible it has become an ex post facto catching a liar type of thing. if they have an integrated system that would prevent an application in the first place. e.g. in Country A when you lodge an online citizenship application you cannot continue unless the computer says yes you meet the...
  15. C

    Campaign to Amend Section 5 of the Citizenship Act

    not necessarily. in "Country A" the process takes only 2 months because of integrated technology (from online application lodgement to electronic residency entry-exit checks, electronic police checks, electronic security checks and computerised citizenship tests). no citizenship judges required...
  16. C

    cbsa vs CIC

    indeed. and apparently CBSA dont record exits even in airports. how is that going to help CIC, let alone national security agencies? the criminals and terrorists (and fraudulent citizenship applicants) can leave with little trace!
  17. C

    cbsa vs CIC

    wow how long did it take CIC to think of this "innovation" LOL
  18. C

    cbsa vs CIC

    simple. just amend the citizenship act or regulations to allow access to cbsa. i dont know why they should not be allowed access due to 'privacy' reasons and ask then you so much about your private personal life just because canada fails to record the movement of people amd fails to integrate...
  19. C

    cbsa vs CIC

    "Due to Privacy reasons we at CIC cannot access your CBSA records. Therefore we hereby require you to answer our RQ and tell us your life story with all supporting information including work experience, schools of kids, education, activities, including supporting documents such as employment...
  20. C

    cbsa vs CIC

    agreed. the lack of system integration is reminiscent of the Third World.