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cbsa vs CIC


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You seem to be confusing the rights of a Canadian citizen and becoming a Canadian citizen - two different things.

EasyRider said:
As a PR you should be better aware of your rights and not throw statements like that so easily.

Canadian citizenship a right for PR's who met conditions, not a privilege.


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Feb 21, 2013
on-hold said:
It absolutely is a right -- that's why RQ exists, to give PRs the chance to prove their eligibility.
one would not mind the RQ if it's processed in 48 days, not 48 months. it's the bureaucratic inefficiency reminiscent of third-world low-tech red tape that everybody hates!


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Feb 21, 2013
SenoritaBella said:
Yup, we are talking about citizenship applications and the system is not as simplified as you would like to make it seem.

By the way, if the UK's system was that error proof they won't have stow aways cross the land border daily from Calais(France) despite checks.

Meanwhile, we need to remember that Canadian citizenship is a privilege not a right.
I don't see what Calais had to do with the citizenship application process.

Indeed it's a privilege, but it's a privilege happily ang welcomingly shared thru the efficient processing times in Country A's citizenship process of only 60 days. yes, you heard it, 60 days not months. if the host government has a very warm view of its future citizens - and gratetfully acknowledge the contributions of its migrants - it will find ways to make things efficient for its future citizens. CIC and Kenney's attitudes on the other hand are quite cold to Canada's future citizens who already contributed to the country.

i had the opportunity to work and live in Country A and happily took out citizenship thru their efficient and high-tech yet respectful process. looking at CIC i feel suddenly ashamed of being Canadian.


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No need beating a dead horse. Even if it takes 50 months, what can anyone do about it? You may write a complaint, but the gov't did not promise to complete processing in x months. How about people get on with the other aspects of their lives and patiently wait? If you have permanent residency and meet residency obligations, you can travel(using your home country's passport) and return without worry.

For the most part, the urgency seems to come from those who really have no long term plans to settle in Canada and are just trying to obtain a Canadian passport in quick time so as to chase "greener" pastures abroad.

Everyone is paying the price for those who decided it was their right to obtain citizenship fraudulently. The gov't responded by issuing more RQs, etc. When you get the RQ, there are others in queue before you, so yours takes its place at the end of line which is only fair.

Lastly, there are thousands of applicants(pre-June 2008), some of whom waited in queue for 8 years only for their PR applications to be cancelled by the new bill last year. Their lives were shattered. Yet we have people here with PR moaning about having to wait 48 months for a passport. Oh give me a break!!!


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Mar 23, 2013
SenoritaBella said:
No need beating a dead horse. Even if it takes 50 months, what can anyone do about it? You may write a complaint, but the gov't did not promise to complete processing in x months. How about people get on with the other aspects of their lives and patiently wait? If you have permanent residency and meet residency obligations, you can travel(using your home country's passport) and return without worry.
Yes you are right no one can do about it. But 50 months is too long period. Why to give a step-mother treatment to someone who has really contributed to this country. Citizenship gives an appreciation for the contribution made to this society. Why canada need new immigrants? it is because immigrants come and contribute to the economy.

SenoritaBella said:
For the most part, the urgency seems to come from those who really have no long term plans to settle in Canada and are just trying to obtain a Canadian passport in quick time so as to chase "greener" pastures abroad.
This is a free world. Don't you change job if you get a better opportunity? everyone is always looking for a better life. so i do not see anything wrong with that if he / she really got the citizenship by honestly meeting the requirement criteria.

SenoritaBella said:
Everyone is paying the price for those who decided it was their right to obtain citizenship fraudulently. The gov't responded by issuing more RQs, etc. When you get the RQ, there are others in queue before you, so yours takes its place at the end of line which is only fair.
In every system there is fraud. CIC was giving citizenship to applicants who did not even live in this country? Who is to fault that? Why did CIC a big government agency did not verify that.

SenoritaBella said:
Lastly, there are thousands of applicants(pre-June 2008), some of whom waited in queue for 8 years only for their PR applications to be cancelled by the new bill last year. Their lives were shattered. Yet we have people here with PR moaning about having to wait 48 months for a passport. Oh give me a break!!!
There i difference between PR applications and a landed immigrant on PR. Just because someone has applied for PR means, their life is not scattered. It is only an intend to come to canada for better life. Submitting the application does not guarantee PR. It is like submitting your resume for a job. You are not guaranteed employment. When someone land here as PR, it is like he has got the job that he has applied for. he start to contribute to the society. If he has honestly met the requirements he should be treated in fair means like everyone else.

Lets say person A and Persom B land in this country, work hard, contribute to the society and are neighbors. Both A&B applies for citizenship . B gets the citizenship in 12 months. A has to wait for 48 months... does it not mean that A is not treated fairly?


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Feb 21, 2013
and with citizenship you are able to vote and have a say in the country's future. delaying your citizenship means delaying your ability to participate in the democratic processes of a county you have contributed to.

if people want to leave after becoming citizens, it's their option to make. they already earned their citizenship by presumably meeting the requirements under the law - they can leave anytime just like any citizen whether by birth or by choice. there are no different classes of citizens.


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Feb 2, 2013
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SenoritaBella said:
No need beating a dead horse. Even if it takes 50 months, what can anyone do about it? You may write a complaint, but the gov't did not promise to complete processing in x months. How about people get on with the other aspects of their lives and patiently wait? If you have permanent residency and meet residency obligations, you can travel(using your home country's passport) and return without worry.
My take on your notion on citizenship delay (although cadvis had addressed it appropriately): The government did not promise to complete processing in set time frame? are you kidding me, government did promise to complete processing in a reasonable transparent fair time frame when they accepted the payment. Many people don't know why they were asked to send a binder full of personal documents and asked to wait for 48 months to see further action. They have a right to know why 48 months? why CIC cannot do it in lesser than 48 months and how come CIC is going bottlenecked in resources and funds when it can run those ADs through those media buyouts on marriage fraud (not that it is not needed, but put your money where your mouth is). Now that's the problem! Also the test and oath notification come a week before the events, if you're lucky. Given the fact that canada post does a fabulous job of delivering mails 10 days later than when it was intended for, is it not reasonable to expect CIC to send out notifications with decent time interval? Isn't it only fair to ask so? How come people can visit their home country with anxiety about if they are due for their test and oath? Doesn't make sense in your argument.
SenoritaBella said:
For the most part, the urgency seems to come from those who really have no long term plans to settle in Canada and are just trying to obtain a Canadian passport in quick time so as to chase "greener" pastures abroad.
If we take into account the number of expatriates per country, Canada would have the top rankings with biggest share of its citizens being an expatriate. I'm not saying this is okay, but a rule is a rule for everyone. Canadian born citizens as well as naturalized citizens should be discouraged from doing it. But then again if they report their world income and still pay taxes, Canada thinks being a country that has the richest oil wealth in the world we still don't know how to diversify our client base and get our supply going, at least these expatriates are looking for themselves and the social welfare programs are off their hook, let me focus on serious issues!
SenoritaBella said:
Everyone is paying the price for those who decided it was their right to obtain citizenship fraudulently. The gov't responded by issuing more RQs, etc. When you get the RQ, there are others in queue before you, so yours takes its place at the end of line which is only fair.
I would agree with you on this. But for a developed western country, it is unbelievable that Canada has faculties that take 48 months to make a decision on such an easy judgement. People its not rocket science, a simple face to face interview with eye contact will make liars piss off their pants. This is just outright irresponsibility. Given the recent huge media buyout on various marriage scam warnings, I say why not also focus on improving the process. I'm sure this media buyout cost you 100s of millions and CIC says its deficit for operational budget is only 44 millions!
SenoritaBella said:
Lastly, there are thousands of applicants(pre-June 2008), some of whom waited in queue for 8 years only for their PR applications to be cancelled by the new bill last year. Their lives were shattered. Yet we have people here with PR moaning about having to wait 48 months for a passport. Oh give me a break!!!
Their lives probably were shattered most likely because of 8 years investment rather than the decision itself. Had it been 2 to 3 years process the shatter would have not been a shatter of the proportion that you're talking about. Your idea that 48 months wait time is okay seem to be a thought of a citizen from a third world country where political corruption is an unavoidable part of life and we got to suck it up.

Always love your constribution for the forums. Always inspired by your helping attitude!


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Perhaps those labeled as coming from a "third world country" know a thing or two about gratitude instead of entitlement? Perhaps it explains why they fair better in difficult situations because they have learnt to be pro-active and stay positive instead of whining about things they do not have control over? Never understood the goal of whining when you can't make CIC do anything. I say suck it up.


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Feb 21, 2013
SenoritaBella said:
Perhaps those labeled as coming from a "third world country" know a thing or two about gratitude instead of entitlement? Perhaps it explains why they fair better in difficult situations because they have learnt to be pro-active and stay positive instead of whining about things they do not have control over? Never understood the goal of whining when you can't make CIC do anything. I say suck it up.

are you from a 'third world country' by any chance?


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Would the answer reduce the 48-month wait time? :-X

canuckoz said:
are you from a 'third world country' by any chance?


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Feb 2, 2013
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SenoritaBella said:
Would the answer reduce the 48-month wait time? :-X
Neither does stopping whining and sucking it up gonna reduce the long wait. Only when you make noise you'd be heard. At least that's one thing I learnt coming to western world. No one is the boss of the other. There's a system and everyone needs to follow it. I see personally "SenoritaBella" helping a lot of people in many forums and a bit surprised to get such an answer from such a seemingly motivated person. There's a reason why Canada falls under the developed world category and I'm exercising that privilege. NOT AN ENTITLEMENT!


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Jun 14, 2012
This form is for people who want advice/ support from others who are in the same boat. So I think we can whine all what we want & this who do not like it should suck it up! :eek:
