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  1. starlordavuthu


    Vaccine passport in Canada just became official. I think this is a step in right direction.
  2. starlordavuthu


    Yes there is no separate placeholder for those files, you can attach them to any other placeholders and submit or LOE but don't forget to add your unique numbers in the respective fields while submitting. I forgot to add my IELTS scanned copy but I have added my unique number so they cross...
  3. starlordavuthu


    Any field other than IT most probably would need Canadian board certification or some sort of acknowledgement to even start looking into it, so yeah makes sense no outlanders can land a job in those fields.
  4. starlordavuthu


    Toronto is your best bet for IT STEM jobs, others mentioned Alberta, Vancouver too are good for STEM jobs.
  5. starlordavuthu


    Lol and ICT works well too.
  6. starlordavuthu


    Hmm they are not very different from typical body shops in US. I am not sure how trustworthy they can be.
  7. starlordavuthu


    I have been to Quebec, I have only spent 3 days and I do not want to live there ever. I could sense some sort of anger/disgust in the eyes of local folks and none are remotely friendly. But it is a cool place to visit.
  8. starlordavuthu


    Oh no, one cannot compare job market in US/EU with Canada. This is a known and proven fact. But it is also not impossible to find a job in Canada. It's all about tradeoffs.
  9. starlordavuthu


    I 100% agree with this, just go on LinkedIn and search for any IT jobs in Toronto, there are literally 100's of job openings. If you are skilled enough you can nail couple of jobs within a month.
  10. starlordavuthu


    This happens alot more than anyone likes to admit. I personally know at least 3 people who have done something similar to this.
  11. starlordavuthu

    The Outlander PPR Thread

    Really? Interesting I never thought of this. Good to know
  12. starlordavuthu

    The Outlander PPR Thread

    How can someone be PNP and FSW at the same time?
  13. starlordavuthu


    Most of South Indians can understand Hindi and alot of them can speak as well but we don't like to converse in Hindi for some reason.
  14. starlordavuthu


    I read somewhere above language is like a mother so we dont want to misspell our mother's name..:)
  15. starlordavuthu


    It is Telugu not Telegu.
  16. starlordavuthu


    Very interesting, in my case my medicals expired on Aug 21st and I didn't receive any re medical request till now, in my profile it simply says "you do not need medicals, we will let you know if this changes". Sometimes it's hard to interpret what these changes mean.
  17. starlordavuthu


    Whoever wins all I hope is it wont impact pending FSW-O applications and FSW program overall.
  18. starlordavuthu

    >>>>>>>OCTOBER 2020 AOR<<<<<<< Join here

    Delays are all over the place and almost every outland applicant is facing the same issue. Having folks in Canada wont speedup your application. All you or anyone can do is wait.
  19. starlordavuthu

    H1B life vs. Moving to Canada - Experience sharing

    COL in Ontario would be very similar West Coast cities, you definitely need a good paying job to move and you obviously be paying more taxes but you get some of it back in benefits. A 2nd job in the family helps with more savings but you can lead relatively good life on a single salary. Climate...
  20. starlordavuthu


    I agree with you, housing market is absolutely atrocious in Canada for a couple of years now. A friend had to shell out 1 million dollars for a very ordinary 2-bedroom house and that is absolutely ridiculous. For the same amount I can buy a frigging mansion in Florida or Texas. I only wish US...