I grew up in a very thrifty family, and before I knew him, I was a student trying to manage my school fees and living expenses at the same time (which meant
I got alot of my stuffs from the thrift stores like Value Village, etc...) and I didn't mind 2nd hand items too. After I moved in with him, he made me threw out ALL those stuffs I got 2nd hand (I was so pissed and upset, coz I thought it was very wasteful).One time he threw out a whole bunch of my things while I was at work. We fought alot because of that.
He said those are old and made me look ugly, and took me shopping for new clothes, jackets and shoes, saying if I don't look nice and presentable, then I'm not going to find a job. All the things I bought had to be vet and approved by him first ;D He will not hesitate to tell me point blank, "YOU LOOK UGLY IN THAT."