Don't waste your time on debating this. Who is liar or trust worthy, does not matter. You live your own life.
Jobs can be obtained even before you land. You can get a higher position even. It depends on individual's effort and thought process.
There are light and darkness on job market. A lot of people have good experiences. I got two offers from where I choose
the best and all are same what I was doing previously in other country. So, please end it here and have some constructive
discussion that can help the potential immigrants........
Don't waste your time on debating this. Who is liar or trust worthy, does not matter. You live your own life.
Jobs can be obtained even before you land. You can get a higher position even. It depends on individual's effort and thought process.
There are light and darkness on job market. A lot of people have good experiences. I got two offers from where I choose
the best and all are same what I was doing previously in other country. So, please end it here and have some constructive
discussion that can help the potential immigrants........