Quote from: fkl on September 26, 2013, 01:50:26 pm
Accidentally gotten into this thread (originally was looking for just some initial experiences of people who recently moved to Canada) and some how couldn't resist writing by seeing so much bashing by a lot of people without any solid proof or grounds where as the person being talked about gave direct references to others from the very forum who know him in person and where he works.
Just because someone's individual experience was tough / bad, it does not make a story fake.
Surprised that you, like traditional Pakistani journalists, found out elephant in desert...hahahahhah
This one is weird. I am part of this forum and would search threads depending what stage i am in the moving process. It is pretty evident from my post / profile history. Referring to pakistani journalists or generalize that just shows your racist mentality. It is not that i cannot label it equally offensively tie to india. It is just that i know better than that to do and hope and wish that you grow from your limited vision too.
Just FYI, i am yet to even get a visa (may be yes, may be no), but i am from IT profession, and experienced in a very specialized area. I had never thought of coming to Canada and i was contacted by a company in CANADA while being in my home country, had like 4-5 interviews (via phone / skype video and some shared coding stuff) with them, gotten a job offer as a SENIOR DEVELOPER with a pretty good pay as far as i know.
But still you are out of Canada...with this offer!
Sure, no denying that. I am NOT trying to say i know more about Canada. Probably i was lucky since my employer found me via linked and possessed the exactly skill set they were missing. I also do know that if i have to find job myself in Canada again, it would be pretty hard. But again just telling out my story here doesn't make me a liar. THAT attitude is the one i am offended with. I respect experience of all of you in Canada and would listen to any advice you have acquired. Just don't call me a liar because i found something (which is not fully materialized yet) while sitting at home. Luckily or may be a little skill acquired over years. OR is failure the only criteria for being truthful here? Success being to good to be true is considered a failure?
I know of at least two other friends/colleagues with pretty much the same story who got jobs while sitting in their home country and moved to Canada and are doing pretty good over there.
Such stories travel heart to heart have no significance!
Yeah true. I was tempted to post their linked profiles. (Please don't get started that they can be fake too. You only prove your limited knowledge if you say that. When a person lists a company as his employer on his profile. Every one from that company AND the rest of the world who ever knew that person or company knows that. So no body has ever been able to do that successfully). But then i should respect them unnecessarily being dragged here. But i probably would post mine when Insha Allah i get to Canada may be including some references to my professional online existence.
But even that apart, every one who goes on work visa from any where in the world NEEDS a prior job offer. Whether that is for live in caregiver or an engineering manager, they do get offers BEFORE going to Canada. Otherwise the only official types of visas would be permanent immigration ones. So your point about calling these stories is indeed of zero significance. Since there are 300k plus temp workers in Canada from all over the world. A lot of them doing ordinary jobs, but still many coming with good qualified jobs.
So just because it was tough luck for you and I AGREE that generally things are not very easy in the beginning. But that is where you should stop rather than calling some one fake.
You are 200% wrong here....Canada does NOT recognize even United Kingdom degrees whereas they share UK's Queen as their Head of State!
Wrong? I did get a job offer and i only have a BS in CS from my home country. Even not like from the best institution there, rather just a normal one. So do ALL OTHERS who move to Canada on work visa AND ONLY GET JOBS FOR THE ROLE THEY HAVE PRIOR EXPERIENCE WITH. Yes medical or other regulated professions are an exception but again no one is hired in those professions on work visa. Calling this wrong is so weird i don't understand where to begin with.
Yes, it is also true that it is not 'just another IT grad'. Like i said before, it is a highly specialized area in Computer Science. But again there are people from the rest of the world who DO POSSESS skills required in Canada and if you do have those, you are likely to sail through easily.
Whether i get the visa or not, the pains my employer has taken when the visa was delayed i.e. reaching out to MP's or CIC directly pretty much tells me how badly they need us.
And i am not like the "best IT guy ever or anything". I just went to a decent public university (not top tier by any means) in my home country. BUT I DO KNOW MY STUFF, worked hard in my career and have worked with several US Based MNC's - during one of which i acquired experience in the very area my prospective employer in Canada was looking for.
So if we can get well paying jobs in our profession while sitting thousands of miles away, why can't some one who is physically in Canada and is capable can? Just because the rest didn't? That sounds too childish OR should i say jealous??
You are thinking like a child, as I was before coming to Toronto...
Child? Well i didn't know you moved to Toronto as a kid
Any way i got 3 kids, have lived pretty much enough of my life to be offended with this. But i just tried saying above that i am not really exceptional in my area. Just a little better than okay. But i still got a job even without applying myself though it took a lot of interviews and effort. What is wrong with that?
Please work hard on your own skills, network and pray. You will get what is there for you. All the best.
You will not get anything unless you learn Canadian job system and Canada's employers approach...
I am not claiming to know any thing about Canadian employer system. Except with the dealing i have had since my job process started until today. But i did get a job from them. And when my visa was delayed the VP of my company wrote to CIC and MP office stating that "we have been waiting for this long on this file. And this person's skills are badly needed (my resume attached)". I was copied on that email. Whether i get visa or not that did tell me the importance given to me by my Canadian employer. 10-12 days latter, i received medical call. I fully understand that things might be different with an average employer in Canada. But i was just humbly sharing my experience. Did all of you provid evidence here for every thing you state about yourself? In civilized world every one assumes truth, unless having reason to believe otherwise. They even test truthfulness only when needed. This is just an experience sharing forum. What would some one get out of it? Are you guys giving any rewards to those successful? Let me know, then i would give you contact details to verify 
For those who love bashing others outright without knowing what they are talking about, for non immigrants such as me, we require an LMO first, for which the employer applies to HRSDC - one of their requirements is - "you were not able to fill the positions with any suitable canadian candidates". This includes the job being posted publicly for a good length of time.
I wish you should get visa and come to Toronto and should learn what IT industry is here, and how useless your interpersonal skills are which you had learnt out of Canada!
Looking forward to it. I am not destined for Toronto actually, but rather Ottawa region or Montreal. But i still might actually land there (Toronto) since i got friends working there in my profession. So we can be in touch to validate each other's interpersonal skills
But i guess you misunderstood my intention. When i used 'interpersonal skills' in my comments, it was referring to those people's attitude on this forum. I just meant improved interpersonal skills would enhance their impression on others. Like it will be not as bad as i felt by reading their responses and might improve their on job experiences in Canada. I never said it was enough for them in getting jobs in Canada.
In my case, the job i am hired for - was posted for at least 6 months on company's website and is still there, because they need more people with similar experience.