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Want to start a petition. Please provide Input!


Star Member
Jun 24, 2014
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newcec said:
Hi all,

I am planning to start a petition to Chris Alexander to look into this issue ASAP. Please provide your input in a paragraph form so that I can update my petition. I am planning to get this petition work done by Thursday and will share the link here.

I just want to the CIC realize that OPEN Work Permit holder do not need to have a LMIA.

Also, please do not say that nothing will happen by doing this. "Change will only happen if you take part in the change process"

i have the following three points that I want to focus on:

Why I have to create a Job Bank profile even though I have a full time job?
Why I did not get points for my Canadian work Experience/ or why I only got 40 points out of 600?
Why I did not get CRS-Arranged Employment points since I already have a full time job?
Why ignore some one who is here for 3-4 years and contributed to the economy than people who are here temporarily or have not set a foot in Canada?

Thanks, Counting on fellow students.

Remember, this will also help the upcoming students, who could be your friend or family!

Count me in, I think we have all got jobs competing with fellow Canadians so why the need now to obtain an LMIA.
Employers out there need people to fill jobs whether its Canadian or Non-Canadians, there is always a fair process done in the beginning (interviews) and we have received jobs based on our merits and past work experiences.
People who have arranged job offers should at least get some points.


Star Member
May 11, 2013
Alimoh said:
Great Idea!!

Here are some of the points I feel should be included in the petition.

1. Points awrded for Canadian work experience are too few (Considering the whole thing is out of 1200).
2. We are (in most cases) educated in Canada often with 4 year degrees.
3. Our English language skills are up to the mark.
4. We have work experience here.
5. We are already in Canada, often for 5-6 years and have already settled down, adapted and assimilated with the Canadian society and culture.
6. We already have full time jobs which we had to compete and struggle for to acquire (including doing Co-op programs extending our degrees by one year)
7. As international students we have been contributing to the canadian economy by paying extremely high fees , often amounting to $150,000 to $180,000 for the entire degree (including fees, residence, travel, food and other expenses).
8. We have been paying taxes on our salries aswell as other purchases for 5-6 yearts we have been here.
9. We are young and thus not a major burden on the heath system (and we pay the health premiums in our taxes).
10. International students will most probably be immigrating to Canad by themselve, thus not burdening Canada by bringing in families and burdening the heath and education systems.
11. We are already working in Canada on open PGWP, this puts in a very difficults position in terms of being LMIA exempt. Our employers are mostly not willing to apply for LMIA or they might even let us go thinking that we are only going to be in CANADA for a short time period. No promotions either if he finds out about this whole LMIA thing.
12. We are mostly recent graduate and can not score anything for the foreign experience section, as we mostly have canadian work experience.
13. Even if you bring in foreign workers with foreign work experience, trust me Canadian companies prefer candidates with Canadian experience first (so why not keep PGWP with experience here)

Just a few thought from a PGWP working in Canada having completed a five year Mechanical engineering degree+Co-op. Almost 1 year experience PGWP + 16 month Co-op experience (which for some reason doesnt count even though it was full time and I was registered as part time at the Uni.
can i use ur post to copy paste and create a petition on change.org? i need a good solid explanation with facts and quotes so as to start a petition. i have seen how effective change.org is.


Star Member
May 11, 2013
guys just dont write "i am in" etc add a few suggestion/ issues so i can compile them and create a petition online.


Hero Member
Apr 20, 2011
unclesamy said:
can i use ur post to copy paste and create a petition on change.org? i need a good solid explanation with facts and quotes so as to start a petition. i have seen how effective change.org is.
unclesamy, you should good to go with those points presented by Alimoh. He specifically has posted them for petition and have asked to include them.
We are waiting for petition to be on change.org

I have noticed something on LMIA application, some other folks have also noticed this thing.
According to those options on application, it is asking the employer if

1) Application is just to support foreign national for PR and to hire him only after the PR visa is granted.
2) Application for foreign national, to support both PR and work permit (it applies to those who are not in Canada or may be those who are on closed
work permit and changing employer)

For option 1, How it would work for PGWPs and other open work permit holders who already spent a year or more in jobs?

unclesamy, if you could summarize this thing and add in petition.



Jan 27, 2015
doubleym said:
The answer is simple, protecting jobs for Canadians. You were granted a temporary permit to work, at the end of which you're expected to leave. Canadian Citizens and PRs take priority, so unless your employer can prove that they can't find a suitable Canadian, you don't get an LMIA and you don't get the additional points.

You can still obtain PR but you have to wait until your profile is drawn.

True but there is a difference between protecting jobs for Canadians (going forward; which is a great idea) AND taking jobs from those who already have it. That's the main concern here.


Star Member
May 11, 2013
below are some suggestions i am adding to the petition if u have more suggestion please semd me a message or post here
So below are our suggestions
1. Let candidates who are in express entry pool and have expiring post graduate work permit be allowed to extend their post graduate work permits.
2. Eliminate LMIA requirement for Candidates on post graduate work permit and award them the 600 points.
3. If LMIA requirement cannot be eliminated then atleast make LMIA process easy and educate employers and promote employers to apply for LMIA.


Star Member
Dec 7, 2014
unclesamy said:
below are some suggestions i am adding to the petition if u have more suggestion please semd me a message or post here
So below are our suggestions
1. Let candidates who are in express entry pool and have expiring post graduate work permit be allowed to extend their post graduate work permits.
2. Eliminate LMIA requirement for Candidates on post graduate work permit and award them the 600 points.
3. If LMIA requirement cannot be eliminated then atleast make LMIA process easy and educate employers and promote employers to apply for LMIA.

sounds great however, i think point 2 should be tweaked since its too much to ask for at this point when it just atarted. they wont eliminate the LMIA requirement. it will defeat their purpose of EE . We can ask request it to be relaxed or probably increase the points for having a canadian experience in skill O,A or B.


Star Member
May 11, 2013
guys i dont know how this works but its my first time starting a petition


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Feb 2, 2015
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Hero Member
Apr 20, 2011
unclesamy said:
sign up everyone if u can ..i hope this works...
I am gonna sign but number of supporters needs to be high like let say 500 or 1000. Can you change that?