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Want to start a petition. Please provide Input!


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Jun 5, 2014
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A.B.123 said:
I think you should know how much time and effort it takes to move from one country to another permanently. Many of us have lives in Canada. It's not like ok maybe next time I'll be luckier, oh maybe next time then. Ok, no.. guess I should pack my stuff and go home, sorry boss. Like even a plane ticket needs to be booked a good couple of months before, otherwise it would cost a fortune. And at this point none even knows when the next draw is going to be. :( I'm freaking out cause my WP expires in 3.5 months.
Yes,I know. It's more difficult for people in your situation.We need more transparency on this matter, no doubt ,but I think it's too early to judge the whole system and next draws just based on the first one. It will just raise the tensions and make us more nervous. They already know what the feedback is and starting a petition doesn't tell them more about it.Do you think it really works? I'm not sure. It is just my point of view.


Star Member
Jan 25, 2015
I'm in, need to raise this petition.. We PGWP guys have no other option, work permit expiring very soon and who knows when they would make the next draw, atleast cic should know the PGWPs scenario!


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Jan 19, 2015
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praneet87 said:
OK. This is simply stupid. I understand the concern but atleast wait for a couple of draws. There is a reason there is still a CEC class. It was the first pick that is all. They only picked 779 people. Why such an odd number? Maybe that was all the LMIA applicants there were, maybe the next draw they will do their first proper pick.

The only people who should be panicking are people who have their PGWP expiring soon.

Do not start a petition prematurely and blow this out of proportion.
I totally agree with you. They were planning for EE system since 2012. They will not change it tomorrow. It's definitely great system , all we need to be patience for a couple of draws. They must will do something for CEC applicant. I am also CEC applicant , I am waiting to see what is next. In my opinion It's too early to get together for petition.

It true praneet87 said "Do not start a petition prematurely and blow this out of proportion. "


Star Member
Oct 22, 2014
I came across this very good argument that Canadian Bar Association came up with regards to the new system.

Check out cba.org


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Star Member
Jun 4, 2014
Great Idea!!

Here are some of the points I feel should be included in the petition.

1. Points awrded for Canadian work experience are too few (Considering the whole thing is out of 1200).
2. We are (in most cases) educated in Canada often with 4 year degrees.
3. Our English language skills are up to the mark.
4. We have work experience here.
5. We are already in Canada, often for 5-6 years and have already settled down, adapted and assimilated with the Canadian society and culture.
6. We already have full time jobs which we had to compete and struggle for to acquire (including doing Co-op programs extending our degrees by one year)
7. As international students we have been contributing to the canadian economy by paying extremely high fees , often amounting to $150,000 to $180,000 for the entire degree (including fees, residence, travel, food and other expenses).
8. We have been paying taxes on our salries aswell as other purchases for 5-6 yearts we have been here.
9. We are young and thus not a major burden on the heath system (and we pay the health premiums in our taxes).
10. International students will most probably be immigrating to Canad by themselve, thus not burdening Canada by bringing in families and burdening the heath and education systems.
11. We are already working in Canada on open PGWP, this puts in a very difficults position in terms of being LMIA exempt. Our employers are mostly not willing to apply for LMIA or they might even let us go thinking that we are only going to be in CANADA for a short time period. No promotions either if he finds out about this whole LMIA thing.
12. We are mostly recent graduate and can not score anything for the foreign experience section, as we mostly have canadian work experience.
13. Even if you bring in foreign workers with foreign work experience, trust me Canadian companies prefer candidates with Canadian experience first (so why not keep PGWP with experience here)

Just a few thought from a PGWP working in Canada having completed a five year Mechanical engineering degree+Co-op. Almost 1 year experience PGWP + 16 month Co-op experience (which for some reason doesnt count even though it was full time and I was registered as part time at the Uni.


Star Member
Dec 7, 2014
I think the petition should be more focused towards the people with work permits expiring soon . I mean they should be requested to allow us to atleast renew our work permits for a few months so we can buy some time . We can't expect them to just amend the EE overnight . It's a new system and they are going to promote this as much as they can. They want to show public that EE works and is sucessful for the canadian economy etc.

The focal point should be to allow people like us some time to transition into new system by being able to renew the work permit or something so we can get some time.
It should be mentioned on the petition that ppl with PGW that have few months left only are in a state of limbo since they are running out of time and getting an LMIA is time-consuming as well. Also, we don't have enough time to wait for the upcoming draws which we have no idea when is going to take place and the cut-off score.

anyways.This is what I think the petitions should entail.


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Alimoh said:
Great Idea!!

Here are some of the points I feel should be included in the petition.

1. Points awrded for Canadian work experience are too few (Considering the whole thing is out of 1200).
2. We are (in most cases) educated in Canada often with 4 year degrees.
3. Our English language skills are up to the mark.
4. We have work experience here.
5. We are already in Canada, often for 5-6 years and have already settled down, adapted and assimilated with the Canadian society and culture.
6. We already have full time jobs which we had to compete and struggle for to acquire (including doing Co-op programs extending our degrees by one year)
7. As international students we have been contributing to the canadian economy by paying extremely high fees , often amounting to $150,000 to $180,000 for the entire degree (including fees, residence, travel, food and other expenses).
8. We have been paying taxes on our salries aswell as other purchases for 5-6 yearts we have been here.
9. We are young and thus not a major burden on the heath system (and we pay the health premiums in our taxes).
10. International students will most probably be immigrating to Canad by themselve, thus not burdening Canada by bringing in families and burdening the heath and education systems.
11. We are already working in Canada on open PGWP, this puts in a very difficults position in terms of being LMIA exempt. Our employers are mostly not willing to apply for LMIA or they might even let us go thinking that we are only going to be in CANADA for a short time period. No promotions either if he finds out about this whole LMIA thing.
12. We are mostly recent graduate and can not score anything for the foreign experience section, as we mostly have canadian work experience.
13. Even if you bring in foreign workers with foreign work experience, trust me Canadian companies prefer candidates with Canadian experience first (so why not keep PGWP with experience here)

Just a few thought from a PGWP working in Canada having completed a five year Mechanical engineering degree+Co-op. Almost 1 year experience PGWP + 16 month Co-op experience (which for some reason doesnt count even though it was full time and I was registered as part time at the Uni.
There is lots of international students who came here with spouses and who's children were born in Canada while studying and working. This is a big issue as well. Why my daughter cannot stay here in Canada if she was born here and she is Canadian citizen. Only because new EE doesn't allow her parents to get more points. Maybe they should add another question in the profile!!! Was your child born in Canada? If yes, +100 points


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There is lots of international students who came here with spouses and who's children were born in Canada while studying and working. This is a big issue as well. Why my daughter cannot stay here in Canada if she was born here and she is Canadian citizen. Only because new EE doesn't allow her parents to get more points. Maybe they should add another question in the profile!!! Was your child born in Canada? If yes, +100 points
I can understand why CIC on this regard.

Allowing foreigner to gain PR on the basis of their child being born in Canada and thus a Citizen will attract a lot of people coming to Canada as student or tourists, give birth to children and in turn becomes PR and entitles for social benefits (Underlined parts is their real intention)

This had created many social problems and burden on government budget in many countries. Btw, there are family class immigration for people like that.

Students decided to stay after graduation is more warranted then the above, is because they are Canadian-schooled and trained and more likely to be able find jobs, if not already have one. They are of much less social burden to the government.
Plus, this is what was advertised in PGWP and CEC before EE-2015


Hero Member
May 24, 2012
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we must also get in touch with the Canadian Bar Association and take their help too!
I believe they have already sent a Notice to the immigration Minister.

We could all write emails to him and make phone calls and talk to him.


Jan 30, 2015
I'm in! Same situation here!
My friends graduated without a job offer applied for PNP and all have their PR now.
My school advise me since I have a full-time job offer before graduation, it is easier to apply under CEC.
So I waited for a year to apply CEC, and CEC capped! Now I have to apply EE but it says my job offer is not a job offer if I don't have LMIA!!!

I don't understand the logic behind these, for candidate who has been paying high tax for almost two years!
If without LMIA my job offer is not a job offer, please give all my tax back!


Champion Member
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the_lion said:
we must also get in touch with the Canadian Bar Association and take their help too!
I believe they have already sent a Notice to the immigration Minister.

We could all write emails to him and make phone calls and talk to him.
From what I am reading, Canadian Bar Association isn't recommending an exemption in LMIA or bachelor PGWP. It is acknowledging the fact that it's going to be harder for PGWP, and also a change in policy that CIC is turning away from graduates who wanted to stay.

They are, however, recommending CIC not to advertise PGWP as a gateway to PR thru CEC. That's all they are saying.


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mf4361 said:
I can understand why CIC on this regard.

Allowing foreigner to gain PR on the basis of their child being born in Canada and thus a Citizen will attract a lot of people coming to Canada as student or tourists, give birth to children and in turn becomes PR and entitles for social benefits (Underlined parts is their real intention)

This had created many social problems and burden on government budget in many countries. Btw, there are family class immigration for people like that.

Students decided to stay after graduation is more warranted then the above, is because they are Canadian-schooled and trained and more likely to be able find jobs, if not already have one. They are of much less social burden to the government.
Plus, this is what was advertised in PGWP and CEC before EE-2015
I was international student. 3 years of college, after 2 year my daughter was born thus I graduated in a regular time frame. I haven't taken a dollar from government for my child. I don't say that people like me have to get some privileges only because they have children born in Canada, but they should have an option like before (CEC) (express myself in a wrong way in a previous post) Now with 350+ point I don't see a chance to get invitation.
There is no program for people like us ... No family class immigration for people with child born in Can who is under 18 years old. If you know something please send me a link.

And I think you are wrong saying:

"Allowing foreigner to gain PR on the basis of their child being born in Canada and thus a Citizen will attract a lot of people coming to Canada as student or tourists, give birth to children and in turn becomes PR and entitles for social benefits (Underlined parts is their real intention)"

International students after graduation and PR process also have children and everything you said can be directed to them as well.
Looking at a case in this direction .... no one should get PR,


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Dec 12, 2014
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Im in Brother ! This the right channel to express the situation of PGWP holders.


Hero Member
Jan 4, 2015
I have to say I'd hold off on a petition until a few draws. I am CEC and for my past few jobs I was given LMOs, but the most recent one was under NAFTA. However, I simply talked to my employer about the EE issue with NAFTA and not having a LMIA and they are now in the process of getting me one.
So, it's not necessarily EE that's the problem, but one with the employers. At least, that's how the goverment is going to look at it. If people start being very aggresive right a way without waiting to see how things work out, I think it'll hurt us in the long run.
Remember, we are coming to Canada. They have no obligation to make our lives easier and every right to protect their citizens. So, I am willing to see how things go before I try and change them. Just my opinion.