OMG little apple I think my blood pressure rose while reading about their requests! Just explain everything in a letter and provide as much as additional proof as you can, when they go through your whole app again it will be enough for sure! It's like they want us to print screen every moment of our relationships, what about being in love, spontaneous and not having some hidden intentions?!
I'm glad to hear Muby and you met in Canada! Speaking of, Muby how is everything back there? What have you been up to these days?
I'm waiting for my GCMS notes this week and going to start with my preparation for the interview this weekend, might have some questions for you. I was reading some of the questions for the interview and my dad was around. He said that after more than 30 years of marriage he would have to think for a few minutes before answering some of those

Milance, Bumpahead, thanks for your info about the proof of relationship! I think I have enough things to include but it's going to be a lot of work. ughhh a year ago this immigration thing seemed like an adventure... now I'm so tired ;(