Hi again good people of Vienna forum... It's my time to ask for serious help/advice/words of wisdom....
You all know my situation (Srdj and Vassilika are definitely previewed to it in depth) but here is a new piece of information.... As i've written before Vienna has been for months telling me that my case is in background checks since July of 2010 (16 months now)... I've asked them (Vienna) on a few occasions to follow up with CSIS but they said they don't do that until they cross their allowed time of up to 18months....
As per the advice of some of you, 6 weeks ago today, I sent a letter to CSIS and asked them for a status of the background check... I wrote in a letter that i sent that Immigration Canada told me that our file is in Background Checks with them since July 2010, and any feed back would be much appreciated.
Today I got a letter from them and among other things, this statement came like a knife right to my heart:
"It appears that Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) has YET TO RECEIVE a request from Citizenship and IMmigration Canada (CIC) to conduct a security screening investigation concerning your husband. I can only suggest that you redirect your queries to Immigration officials."
WTF?!?!?! CSIS never even got a request for background checks from CIC even though CIC (as well as my MP's office confirmed!) have been telling me for OVER A YEAR that we're in background checks and it takes 12-18 months?!?! WHAT IS THIS?!?!?!
We've hired a lawyer last week to see if they can dig up any information and they were 95% certain that our file or portion of out file is LOST, and this just confirms it.... For 21 months Immigration Canada has been playing with us!
Since I got this letter late this evening I am yet to contact my attorney tomorrow but does anyone here have anything to say to this?
Any help would be much appreciated....
