Here are your options:
- if you want to go see him, do that, you have 6 months to stay in Canada under the visitor/tourist visa no questions asked. But if you marry him there, you open a whole different can of worms if you don't leave Canada after your visitor's visa is up.... You guys MAY get away with it and live happily ever after OR you can get caught, get deported and banned from Canada for life.... Mentioning again that this route is illegal (to enter a country under the wrong pretense). BUT: The risk is yours. And the risk is BIG.
This is what all of us on this forum did (yes, including my husband and me) and the most legally and politically correct way to go about:
- optional in this option

- go to Canada, stay with him 6 months and make sure you two really want to get married. Marriage is a huge thing and it's one thing dating long-distance and the other all together spending the rest of your life with someone and having them with you 24-7.
(now let's say you did that, and you two in fact want to get married, here is what's next):
- He comes visits you in Slovenia
- During his visit you two get married
- at this point he can either stay in Slovenia or go back to Canada
- you guys apply for a spousal visa - you being a girl (and if you don't have a criminal record, you're not sick and your relationship is genuine and you can prove it) you should have a visa in matter of months... guaranteed, no risks, no fuss.
Up to you. Good luck with making a decision!