So I've just hated things... I sent things in May, they were returned after not being opened for almost 4 months for missing forms (the forms were updated with immigration in July.. if they had opened the package before that, it'd be fine).. well financial and other issues have kept us from being able to send it back until today. 7-8 months from when I got my US FBI check, and photos. I sent the package anyway with that info with a letter explaining how it was almost 6 months before I got my package back.. Problem with this is that they didn't log me as having my information in in May.. they just sent my stuff back messy and with some torn papers. There is no record (other than paid fees receipts) that I've had anything in with them.
So now I need my info changed to Jan 2nd, 2013 sent.
Wonder what the odds are they will overlook the outdated photos/FBI record. (photos match the medicals so I didn't want to update them) I added an extra folder to the batch I sent in to give them some updated proof (new lease we've signed, some more photos since May, Facebook entries, gift receipts)
I'm so ready for this to be over with.. most of the May applicants have already landed. I just want to get done with this so I can have children