Hello. I just wanted to share my timeline and hope it will give some comfort to other people waiting for news.
Up-front medical: May, 2015
Application filed: June 15, 2015
Application received: June 18, 2015
In Process: July 22, 2015
Approved to Sponsor: August 24, 2015
File Transfer: September 02, 2015 (Medical results have been received too)
Passport Req: ???
Visa received: ???
Landed: ???
Now waiting for visa office to request for passport. I still remember getting our very first e-mail from the CIC and watching our Client Application Status go from "received" to "in process". We get butterflies in our stomach knowing that we get one step closer to being together. Sending the application alone was very nerve-wracking for us because we were so worried that we might forget including documents and get delayed or worse, rejected.
I miss my family very much. I hope we all have bright futures ahead of us all.