febgrl05 said:
Hi guys! I dont wanna be such a pessimist...but, have you encountered anyone who had a PPR and then got rejected at the end? Is PPR not an assuarance for visa? Oh well...paranoid lang! Hehehe!
Here is the email that we got from CEM when i emailed them using hubby's email address. It was on his junk mail and i recently found it.
Dear Applicants,
We note your email below. Please be advised that this file is currently queued for review. Depending on the results of the review, further information/documents may be required. You will receive appropriate instructions by mail when we are ready to finalize your application or if any additional information/documentation is required.
Please be advised that it is now our office policy to request submission of the passport early on during processing in order to shorten the processing time of the applicant's permanent resident visa application. It does not however indicate that the application has already passed the selection stage or that a positive decision has been rendered about this application.
Your medical results are valid until November 7, 2013. You will receive appropriate instructions regarding the required medical examination if your application cannot be fianlized within the medical validity.
Thank You,
Family Reunification Unit | Unité regroupement familiale
Immigration Section | Section de l'Immigration
Embassy of Canada, Manila | Ambassade du Canada à Manille