We finally had our diabetic retinoplasty done ! Unlike with the first opthamologist we went to wherein he said we need to be injected with a dye to dilate our eye vessels ( initial cost PHP6,000.00) and another test that will cost PHP13,000 and that the procedure will take one whole day, the specialist that we went to this time, at Medical City, Pasig was very straight and the procedure took only less than one hour. He has a US training.
There is a finding however of cataract which he said is normal for senior people ( I am 63 and my husband is 64). I don't know how the accredited clinic will take this. We will bring the doctor's report on Monday. Will keep the readers informed.
Sponsor applied : 2009
CIC letter to Sponsor that they are ready to process application; March 2012
CIC Ottawa letter to sponsor re meeting requirements : June 2012
CIC Ottawa email to us requesting for medical : Aug. 2012