hello guys I am new here, I am a PR , Bucharest VO. We got married in 2015 August and applied for SA in September. The VO started processing my application on 2015 November 11 th and after one week they send us an e-mail request for my birth certificate (we forgot to include it there ) ,since that time we did not receive any other sign (is been 5 months since my application is at VO ). I am little bit worried about my application because me and my husband met online , got married preety fast and is a big difference of age between us. We send them pictures with us and with him and my family, and our skype conversations, but I am still worried they will think that our marriage is a fake . My husbund will come visit me soon and will stay here at least a month (is also thinking about applying for a visa to be able to stay even longer here ), we will go visit another country where is a part of his family. Anyway we are thinking about sending them a letter or an e-mail with more proof about our relationship as a pictures, plan tickets, showing them that he is sponsor me monthly with money and so on. What do you think about it ...will that help ? or will that slow down our application ?