It depend on your situation. Some people have sent a letter from friends or relatives saying that the couple can stay with them while they look for a place. I suppose if you had an agreement in principal from a landlord, that would be good. You mostly just have to prove to them that you've been looking and are serious and hope they believe you. I don't think there's any way you want to just rent a place that you won't be in.
Thanks again BeShoo for your advice.

Unfortunately my family will be about 1,500 km away from where we want to live. I looked for rental finders in our chosen city of 80,000 population but there don't seem to be any. Right now I think I'll just tell them my plan to get out of the US as soon as my wife's PR is granted and hope they accept it.
Police checks can take up to around 90 days from the FBI. I'm not sure what the current processing time is. If you don't want to wait, you could send a letter explaining that you've applied for it and it hasn't come yet. Lots of people have done that, but they'd rather have it with your application and it has to be less than 3 months old when they receive it in Mississauga to be acceptable. If you don't send it in, they may refuse to process your application because it is "incomplete."
On the FBI website there's a list of "FBI-Approved Channelers." I found 1 in this area who claims they can get you your criminal history in 5-7 business days after they receive your fingerprints that can be taken by local police. I'll go that route just so I have it sooner.
You are supposed to do the medical before you send the application. I think if you don't, they will send you a letter asking for it, then put your application in a pile of ones that are waiting for more information. According to some here, they may just put it in a pile with a re-check date of 3 months later, at which time they will look to see if the missing info has been provided. This delay can be prevented if you send it upfront. However, the processing can take up to 1 month for sponsorship approval, then 15 months for the applicant part (seldom longer). Your medical must be less than one year old at the time when you actually "land" as a permanent resident. If it's too old, they will ask for a new one, though they now have the discretion to extend the validity for up to a year if you're close. The cost of all medicals was about $250 here in Ottawa. I've read on this board that most that are done in the U.S. tend to be significantly more expensive than in Canada. You might have to shop around, but there are less approved physicians to choose from in the States.
Thanks, I’ll get the medical exam done before we apply. There are 3 doctors total in California, closest one is 2.5 hour drive 1 way. Yep, I got quoted $250 for it in Canada. Here it costs $445US, which is $507C for me to pay. That’s about par for the course. My American wife seriously miscalculated the cost of living here. Since we moved here I tracked all expenses and it’s twice as much for us here as it was in Alberta. That’s also with no health care insurance premiums to pay. If I chose the most basic healthcare plan under Obamacare, it would cost us $221US/month. That would entitle us to 3 free doctor visits/year and not much else. The deductible is $6,350/person, meaning you have to spend that much before the insurance starts to co-pay 60% for lab tests, emergency room visits, ambulance rides, doctor visits. If I chose the very best plan, it would cost us $2,207US/month. No deductible but you still have to co-pay 10% for everything. That’s about $29,000C/year for less coverage than I had in Alberta for NOTHING!!! I just didn’t realize how stinking rich I was there! Lol
I discovered I came here with a profound lack of imagination regarding what things cost here. 1 prescription I need to function is 7 to 11 times as much as it cost me in Canada. I never would’ve dreamt that in my wildest nightmares. The doctors charge $306US/hr with a minimum of $80 for you to walk into the exam room. I spent over $700 for 1 health issue on lab tests and doctor visits. 8 weeks later I still have the same problem. Can’t wait to get back to Canada for the insanity to stop!!!!!