Oh you poor thing, it could have been annoying for you

when was this? And which city did you visited if I may ask?
The fact is that Hungary's history in the XX. Century , especially since the second Word War determined the required languages thought at school. As the formals Soviet Union occupied Hungary the first foreign language became to be Russian and only the very highly educated people learnt a third language which was mainly German. So as a matter of fact people at their middle ages today (like 40 years old) still studied Russian at school and never had the chance to study another one. Some of them, teachers, doctors, or business people took courses as a grown adult to study German or English though, paying the fees on their own...
Only after 1990 , when we became independent from Soviet Union , got the first chance to study languages like French, English, Italian and even Spanish at school. So even I was one of the first student attending elementary school who had the free choice of choosing my second language. And I just turned 30 a week ago. Oh and at high school I could choose a third language as well, which was French
But basically Hungarians choose English and German languages right at the age of 6.
Probably you already known all of this, I just felt like writing it

if you plan to visit Hungary again, don't miss Budapest though

reminds me of Prague. Beautiful.