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Spousal sponsorship


Hero Member
Jan 26, 2016
Visa Office......
Abu Dhabi
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
Nil SA June 3 2016
File Transfer...
June 3, 2016
Med's Done....
June 21, 2016
no interview background check started Oct 4,2016
Passport Req..
October 18, 2016, application approved Nov 14,2016
November 10, 2016 All the glory to our God!
hello lovely people!!

So day 107 for us! Did not receive AOR2 from abu dhabi visa office! I haven't been on this forum for quite some time so was catching up on all the posts. I kinda feel in the dark about our application as I have attempted to link the application to cic many many times but still fail to do so! kinda annoying! trying every possibility!

question for those who have received COPR. I heard there is a certain time limit on when you have to enter the country. How long is that limit. I heard its normally the last date of your medical expiry. My husbands application (PA) was received may 2nd 2016, and his medical was done June 21st. Lets say if we receive COPR in may would he be expected to get here before june 21st of next year? Currently my husband is working in Qatar and has many work responsibilities. He would not be able to quit his job, sell our apartment, sell our car and get ready to immigrate to canada before june 21st. I heard he should give his notice at work 3 months before so they can find someone else to replace him. What would happen in this situation? How can cic expect someone who is immigrating to a new country to pretty much drop everything and move. any ideas?

Also another question for those who have applied for visit visa while pr application is going on. Does anyone know if we apply for visit visa while pr app is going on, is there a chance for rejection because a pr app is in process? Would getting a visit visa affect the pr app decision or even timeline? Wondering because my sister is getting married next year and I would love if my husband could attend. When searching the application time it asks where I am applying from. My husband is an Indian passport holder but working in Qatar. So do I enter India or Qatar?


VIP Member
May 4, 2012
Visa Office......
App. Filed.......
tucosword said:
but I am a little surprised..
1) why wouldn't this be checked before SA?
2) why not just ask me...
1. Residency is often checked near the end of the process. IRCC wants to make sure that the sponsor is either already in Canada or has solid plans to move to Canada soon.

2. They can only communicate with you in the first stage about anything regarding sponsor approval. After SA, all communication goes to the applicant, unless the sponsor has registered themselves as the representative.

Neenvin said:
Would that affect my husband's application or make our relationship not genuine?
Canada does not consider relationships to be less genuine just because a woman keeps her name.


Champion Member
Mar 3, 2015
Visa Office......
Abu Dhabi
App. Filed.......
None required
dpard said:
Hi All,

Can anyone share their PR landing experience in Canada? My wife will be landing end of this month and I was wondering what does she need to bring along (besides the passport and Confirmation of Permanent Residence (COPR) of course).

Also, I have heard that since she's coming to Canada for the first time, the amount of Jwellary she can bring with her is unlimited. Is this correct?

Any assistance/advise will be greatly appreciated.


Hope this helps! Barebones....passport, COPR and copies of goods accompanying and goods to follow...and an address in Canada of course...

For jewelry she should have a detailed inventory and appraisals...with photos



Star Member
Apr 28, 2016
canuck_in_uk said:
1. Residency is often checked near the end of the process. IRCC wants to make sure that the sponsor is either already in Canada or has solid plans to move to Canada soon.

2. They can only communicate with you in the first stage about anything regarding sponsor approval. After SA, all communication goes to the applicant, unless the sponsor has registered themselves as the representative.

I see.. Thanks pal.
I figured this was their double-check mechanism... To ensure we really are a married legit couple.
It's all good. I'l duly comply.
Thanks again


Hero Member
Jun 14, 2016
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
27-09-2016 (SA)
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
bk2001050 said:
aylar10 I can offer some good advice about this situation. First remember that CIC or currently IRCC does not make the laws in Canada, it only executes them and they are bound by the IRPA(Immigration and Refugee Protection Act) which currently does not dictate or have any legislation about how evidence or photographs should be presented. CIC only recommends you send pictures with names and dates and other pertaining stuff because if there is an investigation or if the officer things the marriage or common law is not genuine, then during the interview he will show both of you the photographs you sent in and ask who is in the pictures left to right etc....when was it taken. As so remember the officer does not really know who is in the pictures, you could say that "from left to right this is mario, this is luigi, and this is godzilla and his girlfriend Pinocchio" and the officer would not be able to refuse you based on that because there is no other evidence as to who they are. But if you do write on the back and the names you and your spouse specify do not match the back, you will be in trouble. That is why most good law firms will send photocopies of pictures with tabs right next to the pictures labelling them. So if you are asked in an interview, the tab faces you and you can just read from it.

Thank you so much for this response. It was really useful. Sorry for the late reply. I am putting the last touches on my application and hopefully, I'll be able to send it off by Monday. Luckily, our relationship is genuine. We have been family friends and known each other forever. However, I don't know the exact name of all his aunts, uncles, cousins and etc. Hopefully, we won't be asked for an interview but to avoid further headaches, I have just written uncle and aunt and etc. In this case, I'm sure we won't be running into any problems if had to answer an officer. We have attended so many family events, most of the people are in all our pictures, hopefully that will be enough for the officer. Many thanks again for your input :)


Hero Member
Jun 14, 2016
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
27-09-2016 (SA)
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
bk2001050 said:
@ Djl, Although I agree with your statement regarding a genuine relationship, you have to understand that CIC agents are only concerned about paperwork, not really about genuine relationship. There are so many cases about true love and relationships here that have been refused because of the level of knowledge of the officer or their interpretation/understanding of the evidence , it is unbelievable! I mean for example if you have truly loved a partner and lived with them for the past 5 years but didnt think of the future, hence you didn't collect enough evidence of cohabitation and chat logs(really? chat logs from 5 years ago?), or if you were not well versed with canadian law regarding immigration and hence didnt bother to collect statements or other required proof........ as far as the law and CIC officer is concerned, it didnt really happen because you have not sent enough evidence to substantiate your claim.
Best personal example..... I remember being first attracted to my current wife/falling in love with her because she had different socks on each feet and I referred this to be that she was a non-conformist...different than everyone else. But if I dont have proof or pictures of this event, it most certainly didnt happen.

Remember that the Onus is upon you and your sponsor to satisfy that the marriage/common law application is genuine and continuing as well as that the principal applicant is not inadmissable. If you dont submit enough evidence and are non-chalant about the application, you WILL be refused ad there is almost nothing you can possibly do.
I can relate to this as well. My husband and I have used Viber application to call each other since 2013. We were not in a relationship at that time as we were just talking so it never occurred to me that should save my phone calls and records. Something happened to my phone last year and I lost all my phone call records. I do have however limited chat logs. I contacted Viber and and asked them if I could have a history of my phone records, they refused. My husband doesn't have them either so I'm stuck with less than a year phone record with another application. I'm hoping some of our emailes and chat logs will be enough to convince the officer we've been together for a long time. Even though, I do feel like I have enough evidence but I'm still worried.


Aug 15, 2016

I would like to inquire about our case. Here are the facts:

- My partner and I have been together for almost two years now.
- I am a Canadian citizen, have been living in Canada for 15 years, working on the same company for almost 10 years now, and eligible to sponsor.
- She's in the Philippines.
- I've been visiting her since 2014 and we have a shared lease on the place we're living in and other proofs that we've been together since then.

The problem is:
- She was separated four years ago. There's no divorce in the country and her religion doesn't allow annulment.

Are these enough to apply under conjugal partnership and be approved? What questions might come up once we start the application/process? What are the other things we need to consider?

Thank you.


VIP Member
Jun 8, 2010
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AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Passport Req..
appleboom said:

I would like to inquire about our case. Here are the facts:

- My partner and I have been together for almost two years now.
- I am a Canadian citizen, have been living in Canada for 15 years, working on the same company for almost 10 years now, and eligible to sponsor.
- She's in the Philippines.
- I've been visiting her since 2014 and we have a shared lease on the place we're living in and other proofs that we've been together since then.

The problem is:
- She was separated four years ago. There's no divorce in the country and her religion doesn't allow annulment.

Are these enough to apply under conjugal partnership and be approved? What questions might come up once we start the application/process? What are the other things we need to consider?

Thank you.
Has she applied to come to Canada as a tourist? If not - she needs to do that since you could become common law if she's able to obtain an approved TRV.


Star Member
Aug 19, 2016
Visa Office......
NDVO (New Delhi)
App. Filed.......
November 7th 2016
AOR Received.
SA approval on 30th November 2016. AOR2 on 12th December 2016
Med's Done....
Upfront (8th October 2016)
Passport Req..
I have a question.
I am Canadian PR and going to sponsor my girlfriend (she is working in PSU in india).
I am going to marry her in next month but i want to prepare some documents (such as Medical exam and PCC) well in advance.

I have following questions :

1 - Can she apply for medical exam for PR before marriage ?
or we have to get married first and then apply for Medical Exam ?

2 - Can she apply for Police clearance certificate ? Will it make any difference to apply after marriage ?
or is it ok if she apply for her PCC before marriage.

3 - She is a PSU employee. So is it required for her to get NOC first from her employer ?

I think if she has her medical and PCC ready before we apply for PR it will save a lot of time

Looking forward for your reply.


VIP Member
Mar 1, 2016
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
yogimukti said:
I have a question.
I am Canadian PR and going to sponsor my girlfriend (she is working in PSU in india).
I am going to marry her in next month but i want to prepare some documents (such as Medical exam and PCC) well in advance.

I have following questions :

1 - Can she apply for medical exam for PR before marriage ?
or we have to get married first and then apply for Medical Exam ?

2 - Can she apply for Police clearance certificate ? Will it make any difference to apply after marriage ?
or is it ok if she apply for her PCC before marriage.

3 - She is a PSU employee. So is it required for her to get NOC first from her employer ?

I think if she has her medical and PCC ready before we apply for PR it will save a lot of time

Looking forward for your reply.
1. yes, she can do the medical before getting married. keep in mind, the medical results are valid for 12 months, so the earlier they are done before the applicaiton is submitted, the higher chance they can expire before the application is finalized. if this happens, cic will either extend the medicals or request a new one. it's usually best to get the exam done close to when you plan to submit the application.

2. yes, she can get the PCC before marriage. again, you need to be mindful of the fact the PCC have a short validity date in the eyes of CIC. i know it used to be 3 months, but it may have been extended to 6 months. again, it's best to time getting the report with when you plan to submit your application. sending in a report that is older can risk getting a request for a new one before the applicaiton can be approved.

3. employment is not a requirement of spousal sponsorship and there is no requirement to have a NOC for the application.


Star Member
Aug 19, 2016
Visa Office......
NDVO (New Delhi)
App. Filed.......
November 7th 2016
AOR Received.
SA approval on 30th November 2016. AOR2 on 12th December 2016
Med's Done....
Upfront (8th October 2016)
Passport Req..
Thanks a lot for reply.
It really helped me to decide my further path


Aug 15, 2016
scylla said:
Has she applied to come to Canada as a tourist? If not - she needs to do that since you could become common law if she's able to obtain an approved TRV.
Thank you for your response, @scylla. We'll look into this.

Nina B

Full Member
Oct 23, 2015
Hi everyone,

I would like to get some advice for my situation:

- Me and my boyfriend in relationship for 3 years and been living together for 2 years.
- I am currently under PGWP
- He is Canadian.
---> Are we considered as common-law relationship? Can he sponsor me? And if we plan to get married, what do we need to do?

Please advise
I truly appreciate your help
Many thanks ;D


Hero Member
Jun 14, 2016
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
27-09-2016 (SA)
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
Hi everyone,

I'm about to send my application today but I noticed on the IMM1344, I put the same date for the sponsor and applicant signature box. I had sent that page to my husband so he can sign it and I have the paper back. When I printed the rest of the document last night, I noticed the mistake. Is that going to be an issue :'( I don't know what to do?? Much appreciated your help in advance...


Champion Member
Nov 16, 2014
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
April 18,2016
Doc's Request.
aor 1 may 11
Sponsor approval 03/jun/16
AOR Received.
in process on 09 june 2016
IELTS Request
sent along with apln
File Transfer...
started processing june 13
Med's Request
Up front done in January 2016
Med's Done....
Background check 26 sept 2016
Dm 29 sept 2016
Passport Req..
1st oct 2016
3 oct 2016
16 oct 2016
Nina B said:
Hi everyone,

I would like to get some advice for my situation:

- Me and my boyfriend in relationship for 3 years and been living together for 2 years.
- I am currently under PGWP
- He is Canadian.
---> Are we considered as common-law relationship? Can he sponsor me? And if we plan to get married, what do we need to do?

Please advise
I truly appreciate your help
Many thanks ;D
Yes you are common law as per your description. ...keep proof of your inhabitation together