Just finished talking to CIC agent and i read this to her. "The Email i received"
If you have not yet submitted the following documents, you must submit them to this office:
Police Certificate(s)
Police certificates for the every country in which you and any dependants, whether accompanying or
not, have resided for at least 6 months or more during the past 10 years, or since the age of 18,
whichever comes first. For instructions on how to obtain the correct police certificate required, you
must visit www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/security/police-cert/index.asp.
As per our records, you have not submitted the required police certificates from the country(ies) listed
Applicant name : Macau SAR
I told the agent the i've already submitted, included it in my inland application.
She emphasized this one to me:
"If you have not yet submitted the following documents, you must submit them to this office: Police Certificate(s)"
So it's up to me now to send one again or send an explanation letter.
no need to worry if you already submitted it.
but my main concern is as per their record i did not submitted a police certificate.