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Sponsorship through Bogota 2015-2016


Star Member
Apr 14, 2016
Visa Office......
bogota colombia
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Liiaa said:
Hello everyone :) my interview went really good.
The officer was a nice lady The whole process didn't really feel like an interview at all Which I'm thankful for. She had questions regarding my parents history so nothing relevant to my case. She knows my marriage is genuine but I guess she wanted to clarify some things from my parents past. Weird no? Anyways she said everything looked good and VO should be requesting passport soon
Wow congrats. Great news


Hero Member
Jun 30, 2015
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Feb 17th, 2016
Doc's Request.
July 13th, 2016
AOR Received.
Mar 17th, 2016
File Transfer...
SA: Mar-22-2016 / AOR2: Apr-05-2016
Med's Request
Aug - 22 - 2016
Passport Req..
Aug - 22 - 2016
Sept - 21 -2017
Liiaa said:
Hello everyone :) my interview went really good.
The officer was a nice lady The whole process didn't really feel like an interview at all Which I'm thankful for. She had questions regarding my parents history so nothing relevant to my case. She knows my marriage is genuine but I guess she wanted to clarify some things from my parents past. Weird no? Anyways she said everything looked good and VO should be requesting passport soon
Congrats Liiaa!! They probably needed to clear that out in case your parents ask for a Super Visa in the future to visit you guys whenever you move. Hopefully they ask for your passport soon!


Hero Member
Dec 27, 2015
Job Offer........
humblee said:
Wow congrats. Great news
Thank you :)
JJ628 said:
Congrats Liiaa!! They probably needed to clear that out in case your parents ask for a Super Visa in the future to visit you guys whenever you move. Hopefully they ask for your passport soon!
I feel so relieved ☺ That could
Be, I was confused they would ask about them but I'm just glad I got that out of the way. Was feeling very anxious while I was waiting to be called in... I'll keep you all posted. I will keep praying for all of you go get ppr soon!! I'll just have to wait and hopefully get good news soon.


Star Member
Apr 14, 2016
Visa Office......
bogota colombia
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Liiaa said:
Thank you :) I feel so relieved ☺ That could
Be, I was confused they would ask about them but I'm just glad I got that out of the way. Was feeling very anxious while I was waiting to be called in... I'll keep you all posted. I will keep praying for all of you go get ppr soon!! I'll just have to wait and hopefully get good news soon.
Lia went did you apply


Hero Member
Dec 27, 2015
Job Offer........
humblee said:
Lia went did you apply
We applied September 16th, 2015. We were asked to submit the new passport pics on February 11th and then interview on Tuesday.


Star Member
Mar 16, 2016
Me and my soon to be wife are hoping to apply for family sponsorship ASAP. We are to be married in Medellin on May 13. Less than 3 weeks. Any advice in preparing our papers. We have been dating two months and I am dying to be with her. I know we will be scrutinized because the length of our relationship but any advice on making sure everything is done and ready? I am returning to Canada for a month after the marriage before going to live in Medellin with her while the process takes place.
Any idea on the time line? How long am I looking at?

Thank you for any help


Hero Member
Jun 30, 2015
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Feb 17th, 2016
Doc's Request.
July 13th, 2016
AOR Received.
Mar 17th, 2016
File Transfer...
SA: Mar-22-2016 / AOR2: Apr-05-2016
Med's Request
Aug - 22 - 2016
Passport Req..
Aug - 22 - 2016
Sept - 21 -2017
jorlandoj82 said:
Me and my soon to be wife are hoping to apply for family sponsorship ASAP. We are to be married in Medellin on May 13. Less than 3 weeks. Any advice in preparing our papers. We have been dating two months and I am dying to be with her. I know we will be scrutinized because the length of our relationship but any advice on making sure everything is done and ready? I am returning to Canada for a month after the marriage before going to live in Medellin with her while the process takes place.
Any idea on the time line? How long am I looking at?

Thank you for any help
Hey Jorlando,
Welcome to our small group! Try to have as much prove of your relationship and take your medical exams a few weeks before you apply so they don't expire like mine did. On the checklists write N/A on the forms that don't apply to your case. They say the process will take 17 months at most, but I've checked other case's timelines and mostly all of them get their COPR in less than a year. Read at the beginning of this forum and you'll find good tips from Ace that could help you on your application. You might get call for an interview due to the short relationship so try to look at the interview questions just in case. In the meantime, congratulations on your future wedding, may your process be easy and fast. :D


Hero Member
Dec 27, 2015
Job Offer........
jorlandoj82 said:
Me and my soon to be wife are hoping to apply for family sponsorship ASAP. We are to be married in Medellin on May 13. Less than 3 weeks. Any advice in preparing our papers. We have been dating two months and I am dying to be with her. I know we will be scrutinized because the length of our relationship but any advice on making sure everything is done and ready? I am returning to Canada for a month after the marriage before going to live in Medellin with her while the process takes place.
Any idea on the time line? How long am I looking at?

Thank you for any help
Hi Jorlandoj82, welcome to the group :) The length of the relationship being very short and marrying so soon will sure be a red flag, but try to gather as much evidence as you can like JJ said. Keep your flight tickets and other evidence you will need. Some people applied after dating for only a short period of time and didn't get an interview, so I think it will all depend on how much proof you have and whether the officer will believe it or not. I would suggest not applying right away after you get married, maybe wait a few months so it doesn't look like you guys are trying to rush things. That might give the officer some doubts of the marriage. You said you wil be moving to Medellin after the wedding and I think its the best thing, not only for the application but for you and your spouse as well. I know how hard it is to be separated from your spouse so I believe you are making the right choice. We must have patience and hope for the best once the application is through..... If you need any advice or help with the forms let us know. We are all one family here..... I wish you the best and congratulations on your wedding. ;D


Star Member
Apr 1, 2016
Liiaa said:
Thank you :) I feel so relieved ☺ That could
Be, I was confused they would ask about them but I'm just glad I got that out of the way. Was feeling very anxious while I was waiting to be called in... I'll keep you all posted. I will keep praying for all of you go get ppr soon!! I'll just have to wait and hopefully get good news soon.

Congratulations Liiaa! :D


Star Member
Apr 1, 2016
jorlandoj82 said:
Me and my soon to be wife are hoping to apply for family sponsorship ASAP. We are to be married in Medellin on May 13. Less than 3 weeks. Any advice in preparing our papers. We have been dating two months and I am dying to be with her. I know we will be scrutinized because the length of our relationship but any advice on making sure everything is done and ready? I am returning to Canada for a month after the marriage before going to live in Medellin with her while the process takes place.
Any idea on the time line? How long am I looking at?

Thank you for any help
Congratulations jorlandoj82! I personally wish I knew the process time line. We applied in July 2015 and we are still waiting for DM. :(


Hero Member
Jun 30, 2015
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Feb 17th, 2016
Doc's Request.
July 13th, 2016
AOR Received.
Mar 17th, 2016
File Transfer...
SA: Mar-22-2016 / AOR2: Apr-05-2016
Med's Request
Aug - 22 - 2016
Passport Req..
Aug - 22 - 2016
Sept - 21 -2017
Hello guys,
So there has been 3 applicants from the February 2016 thread who have received DM, all from Ottawa VO and it seems as there might be one from the Vienna VO who got an email about "visa ready". I find it crazy that Bogota VO takes so long to go through the applications. I mean, MarCar you applied on July and you haven't heard from them. I'm starting to think that Ottawa probably throw applications on the air and pick one, because this is just too absurd. Today is one of those days that I woke up very frustrated with all of this waiting. :'( :( :mad: :-[


Hero Member
Dec 27, 2015
Job Offer........
JJ628 said:
Hello guys,
So there has been 3 applicants from the February 2016 thread who have received DM, all from Ottawa VO and it seems as there might be one from the Vienna VO who got an email about "visa ready". I find it crazy that Bogota VO takes so long to go through the applications. I mean, MarCar you applied on July and you haven't heard from them. I'm starting to think that Ottawa probably throw applications on the air and pick one, because this is just too absurd. Today is one of those days that I woke up very frustrated with all of this waiting. :'( :( :mad: :-[
Hi JJ, I have seen ottawa applicants get DM's within 2 and 3 months since i came across this site. It does frustrate me a lot to see all of us from Bogota and other VO's waiting for so long. Don't get me wrong, I am very happy for all of those peeps from ottawa VO get DM. But since they are mostly Americans, I'm assuming, they have no problem visiting each other, but unfortunately that's not the case for us here in Ecuador and Colombia since we need a visa and etc.....

We just gotta keep waiting and hope maybe they will clean the dust of our files and actually get cracking. :(


Hero Member
Jun 30, 2015
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Feb 17th, 2016
Doc's Request.
July 13th, 2016
AOR Received.
Mar 17th, 2016
File Transfer...
SA: Mar-22-2016 / AOR2: Apr-05-2016
Med's Request
Aug - 22 - 2016
Passport Req..
Aug - 22 - 2016
Sept - 21 -2017
Liiaa said:
Hi JJ, I have seen ottawa applicants get DM's within 2 and 3 months since i came across this site. It does frustrate me a lot to see all of us from Bogota and other VO's waiting for so long. Don't get me wrong, I am very happy for all of those peeps from ottawa VO get DM. But since they are mostly Americans, I'm assuming, they have no problem visiting each other, but unfortunately that's not the case for us here in Ecuador and Colombia since we need a visa and etc.....

We just gotta keep waiting and hope maybe they will clean the dust of our files and actually get cracking. :(
MarCar2015 said:
I know guys! It is truly disheartening! :'(

Yeah I'm happy for them too but it's just too frustrating, especially because I've tried looking at other month spreadsheets and there really isn't that many people on Bogota VO, so I really don't understand what takes them so long, even though I'm aware that there are other people applying for other visas. Even Lima VO is faster than Bogota VO.

MarCar, has your ecas changed at all lately?

P.S: Sorry for all the whining, I just miss my husband too much today! Hahahahhahaha!! Have a great day you guys!


Hero Member
Dec 27, 2015
Job Offer........
JJ628 said:
Yeah I'm happy for them too but it's just too frustrating, especially because I've tried looking at other month spreadsheets and there really isn't that many people on Bogota VO, so I really don't understand what takes them so long, even though I'm aware that there are other people applying for other visas. Even Lima VO is faster than Bogota VO.

MarCar, has your ecas changed at all lately?

P.S: Sorry for all the whining, I just miss my husband too much today! Hahahahhahaha!! Have a great day you guys!
I know how you feel Hun :( today is one of the most grey days for me. I miss my husband a lot :'( too.... I wish Bogota would move faster with the apps. I feel like I'm running out of patience with each passing day!!