Anyone have issues with the change your address feature? I have changed my address 3 times now and it is still the same old address when I look on the internet.
I have always used the continue button located at the bottom of the page. Then submitted it once all pages were finished. I did this 2 months ago and checked back just yesterday to find that my old address is still there. I filled out the form again then noticed another submit button at the bottom of the page that declares no one, including myself, can make further changes or even view my application status online. It suggests I can call, but the link provided to contact them takes me no where. I have called the number I received when I got confirmation that they received our application. But not once have I managed to talk to someone. I always get hung up on, with some message that they are too busy.
The form is unclear, as it seems you must either declare that no one can view your information on line or that you may continue without making that declaration. As I intend on moving in a few months there is no way I intend on making that declaration. Especially if I cannot call anyone to confirm that it is indeed needed. Very frustrating as I need to know that my address has been changed and I don't want to sit around for 2 more weeks just to see if they did. This is nuts.