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Sponsoring husband from Morocco


Star Member
Nov 2, 2008
We tried the MP route but that was a pure waste of time.Even the promise of voting for them in next election got us nowhere,LOL! We were told that since it was past the Canadian processing stage, they had no control over Rabat processing part of application.Not sure I'll even vote next election!

rjessome said:
Hi Said,

Welcome to the forum. There is not much you can do but continue to wait until the embassy contacts you. Average processing times for the embassy in Rabat are 8 to 10 months. Just try to stay calm and be positive. My husband has been waiting since November 08 for an interview and we are still waiting. You can tell your wife to contact her MP to make an inquiry or to email the embassy and ask for an update. Good luck to you.


VIP Member
Feb 24, 2009
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agadir08 said:
We tried the MP route but that was a pure waste of time.Even the promise of voting for them in next election got us nowhere,LOL! We were told that since it was past the Canadian processing stage, they had no control over Rabat processing part of application.Not sure I'll even vote next election!

rjessome said:
Hi Said,

Welcome to the forum. There is not much you can do but continue to wait until the embassy contacts you. Average processing times for the embassy in Rabat are 8 to 10 months. Just try to stay calm and be positive. My husband has been waiting since November 08 for an interview and we are still waiting. You can tell your wife to contact her MP to make an inquiry or to email the embassy and ask for an update. Good luck to you.
I'm really sorry to hear that. I guess I'm lucky because my MP was great. Not that anything has gone faster! LOL

We are almost on a new week so let's all think as positively as we can. And of course, keep praying!!


Star Member
Sep 3, 2008
Remember Allah (swt) is with the Sabirin (patient). InshAllah in this holy month, nothing but good news will come to all of us. So keep praying to Allah (swt).


VIP Member
Feb 24, 2009
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Hi all. Let's keep hoping for good news this week!

abdo12 - how did your interview go today? I hope everything went smoothly.


VIP Member
Feb 24, 2009
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Ok, I can't help but be a little annoyed right now. I just read an update on the French forum. A couple who's AOR is just 6 months ago will get their visa on September 23rd. She has been to Morocco a total of 3 times. I have been there 9 times and we can't even get a damn interview!!! WTF???

Ok, venting done. Gonna stay positive. We've waited this long.....


Star Member
Nov 2, 2008
rjessome said:
Ok, I can't help but be a little annoyed right now. I just read an update on the French forum. A couple who's AOR is just 6 months ago will get their visa on September 23rd. She has been to Morocco a total of 3 times. I have been there 9 times and we can't even get a damn interview!!! WTF???

Ok, venting done. Gonna stay positive. We've waited this long.....
Give me your secret to staying positive cause that's something I am struggling with at moment.Every time I go to Rabat immigration website they have increased the processing times. If they have an influx of applications then one would think they'd be more efficient by now.Truth is applications are sitting on someone's desk collecting dust while our lives are in a complete mess.That which doesn't kill you will make you stronger so the saying goes,guess we'll all be as strong as popeye without having to eat the spinach,lol! All jokes aside,I'm getting more depressed every day.Went to see my lawyer today to ask her to draft an affadavit stating that our marrage is completely legitimate and sincere and not just a plot to get my husband out of Morocco.Let's see if it will speed up the process.I'll keep you all posted!

PS copng advice would be greatly appreciated!


VIP Member
Feb 24, 2009
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LOL! Wish I had a secret! This week I'm just feeling like we are nearing the end of this waiting game. Also, I'm trying to stay positive right now for my husband because he is angry about this. We had hoped he would have had his interview before Ramadan and could be in Canada after it was finished. But we don't even have a darn interview date yet! He is really frustrated too and it's my turn to keep him calm. We seem to take turns at it. But the stress has gotten to us a lot, especially in the last 3 months because we have been at the "any day now" mark since June! And I am completely OBSESSED with immigration forums, so much so that it has interferred with my work! That is no good! But I'm getting better about that! LOL

There are so many things I wish I had done differently. I wish I had submitted another package of proof. I wish I had ordered my CAIPS notes earlier. I wish I had hired a consultant or lawyer to do this for me. LOL! It's only now that I AM a consultant that I see the value in it!

Have you gotten in contact with your MP to make an inquiry on your behalf? Have you emailed the embassy to inquire? Do both of those things. Send another package of proof and order your CAIPS notes. At least you will feel like you are doing something!


Star Member
Nov 2, 2008
rjessome said:
LOL! Wish I had a secret! This week I'm just feeling like we are nearing the end of this waiting game. Also, I'm trying to stay positive right now for my husband because he is angry about this. We had hoped he would have had his interview before Ramadan and could be in Canada after it was finished. But we don't even have a darn interview date yet! He is really frustrated too and it's my turn to keep him calm. We seem to take turns at it. But the stress has gotten to us a lot, especially in the last 3 months because we have been at the "any day now" mark since June! And I am completely OBSESSED with immigration forums, so much so that it has interferred with my work! That is no good! But I'm getting better about that! LOL

There are so many things I wish I had done differently. I wish I had submitted another package of proof. I wish I had ordered my CAIPS notes earlier. I wish I had hired a consultant or lawyer to do this for me. LOL! It's only now that I AM a consultant that I see the value in it!

Have you gotten in contact with your MP to make an inquiry on your behalf? Have you emailed the embassy to inquire? Do both of those things. Send another package of proof and order your CAIPS notes. At least you will feel like you are doing something!
I'm really green when it comes to all this.Forgive my ignorance but can you please tell what are CAIPS notes,Thanks


VIP Member
Feb 24, 2009
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No problem. CAIPS = Computer Assisted Immigration Processing System - the notes/codes they write on the computerized file.

And here is the link to the document you need for your CAIPS notes. http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/IMM5563B.pdf
On this form, leave "Requesters reference no." and "ATIP File No." blank. The reference no. is for agencies that request a large volume of information and you would not have an ATIP File No. yet because you've never requested anything before. Fill in your husband's name and birthdate and then in the box that indicates the $5 fee, check off "receive copies of the records". Go down to the "Request for" section and check off CAIPS, NOT the VISA file as this will take much longer to receive. Write "Rabat, Morocco" in the Embassy name section and then your husband's Dossier number which starts with a B. Fill in your information at the bottom of the form.

You must also get your husband to sign and return the "Authority to Release Personal Information" http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/IMM5475E.pdf form to you and include it with the "Access to Information Request" form.

Send both of these forms and a cheque for $5 payable to the Receiver General of Canada to:

Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Anastasia Chyz
Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator
Narono Building
360 Laurier Avenue West, 10th Floor
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 1L1

You should receive your CAIPS notes 30 days after they receive the request. I will let you know about that. They received the request for mine 25 days ago and I haven't gotten them yet but they cashed my cheque last week.


VIP Member
Feb 24, 2009
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I really have to STOP reading the French forum! Another couple who's AOR date is in March will get their visa next week. Now this couple is Moroccan (he's a PR living in Quebec), not mixed like most of us. ;)

Still no call for us today.


Star Member
Sep 3, 2008
Just make Du3a (prayer) and inshAllah you will soon hear from the embassy, and everyone else.

Anyone in this thread have a Moroccan to Moroccan marriage?


Full Member
Mar 17, 2008
rjessome stay possitive i got call last week and i went for interview and it was ok and they said they will call me next week for visa before my medical expired in 22 october thats all iam doing now prayer and staying possitive u cant change nothings just help eachother whit support and inchallah we all will here good news