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Sponsoring husband from Morocco


VIP Member
Feb 24, 2009
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Hi Amy,

Med is right! Two weeks is NOT enough time. Ours took 23 days to finish but I have heard of some finishing in 21 days. You need 4 weeks to be safe. Also, Eid Kabir is in November this year and you won't get anything done during those days of celebration. Check the Canadian embassy website to see when they are closed and also google Moroccan holidays for 2009 so you know when their administration is shut down. Even though we got everything done in 23 days, we still had to pay quite a bit in baksheesh (not really bribes because we weren't doing anything illegal - more like money to speed things up). Good luck and see if you can take more time off.


Full Member
Apr 7, 2009
abdo12 said:
hello my friends,

i got a call yesterday(Thursday)and the interview will be in 14 september,so just to let you know and sorry yesterday i was so busy and my connexion gone thats why i did not wrote this news yesterday..so i'm sure that everyone will get a call and i wish everybody good luck..
congratelation brother , la3goba lina nchaalah , just take it easy in interview all will be fine inchaallah , you see i told you all will be fine ! , i bet you are excited and relaxed more now ...

with my best wishes to all

Faicals Girl

Full Member
Sep 5, 2009
Hello all.
I married a wonderful Morocacn man in December of last year. We started the immigration process in April and I was accepted as a sponsor. On May 6th we recieved the letter that told us his application was in Rabat and that if all went smoothly it would take about 6 months for everything to be processed. It has been 4 months since we recieved that letter and we have not heard anything at all from immigration since that letter. Do all applicants go thru an interview? Is it just my impatience, or is 4 months a long time to go with our hearing anything?
I have tried to call and when I get the call center here in Canada, they just tell me that they cannot access the application that is in Morocco and cannot tell me it's status. I tried to call the number that was on the paper that my husband recieved and it only gave me automated options. Does anyone know how to actually get information on the status of their application?
Thank you all for your help. It is good to know that we do nto have to go through this alone. I wish all of you the best in what is happening!


Star Member
Sep 3, 2008
4 months is nothing to worry about. You probably will not hear anything until they have made a decision or are requesting an interview.

If you are worried you can contact your MP, and have them inquire about your file on your behalf. You most likely will get a response stating that your file is in que, and once the stated processing time has reached to contact them.

inshAllah your file is processed soon, with the other people in this forum.


Star Member
Sep 2, 2009
canda montreal

I think your application is going normally. Have you checked on e-cas to know the status? It is on this side http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/index.asp and on the right side of the page click on '' check my application status''. You should be able to get check the status with the client ID writting on your letter of sponsering approval. You have nothing to worry, you probably won't hear anything until they call your husband for interview if there is one, because not everyone goes through interview, or before they call him to ask him for his passport to give him the visa.

Hang in there, be patient, and if everything goes well, your husband will be here by the Holiday Season inshallah.


HI all
Kimberly , four months waiting is nothing compared to many here who have been waiting for more than 8 or 9 months ; go back to the previuos pages in this thread and read ; u ll find out how long people have to wait , i never heard of someone whose file has been finalized in 4 or 5 months . even in thier official website www.cic.gc.ca when you check the option called how long it takes to process my case you will find out that only 30 and 50 percent of cases processed in rabat are finalized in 8 months and 70 percent in 9 months and 80 percent in 10 months , so concerning ur case its too early to get worried about it . just be strong and keep waiting .


VIP Member
Feb 24, 2009
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Faicals Girl said:
Hello all.
I married a wonderful Morocacn man in December of last year. We started the immigration process in April and I was accepted as a sponsor. On May 6th we recieved the letter that told us his application was in Rabat and that if all went smoothly it would take about 6 months for everything to be processed. It has been 4 months since we recieved that letter and we have not heard anything at all from immigration since that letter. Do all applicants go thru an interview? Is it just my impatience, or is 4 months a long time to go with our hearing anything?
I have tried to call and when I get the call center here in Canada, they just tell me that they cannot access the application that is in Morocco and cannot tell me it's status. I tried to call the number that was on the paper that my husband recieved and it only gave me automated options. Does anyone know how to actually get information on the status of their application?
Thank you all for your help. It is good to know that we do nto have to go through this alone. I wish all of you the best in what is happening!
Hi Kimberly,

You are still well within normal processing times. Average processing times for spousal applications in Rabat are between 8 and 10 months. Here is the link from the CIC website that tells you this.


You can also check ECAS as another poster mentioned but it won't say much more than "In Process". Here is the link. You need the file number that was given to your husband at the top of the letter he received. It starts with a B. Here is the link:


stealth was right that you can contact your MP but it's not really advisable until you have surpassed the timeline given to you on the letter that was sent to your husband. Some MP's won't get involved if it is within normal processing times. However, some will so I can't say for sure.

But be prepared for a long wait for any information. My husband has been waiting more than 9 months to receive a call for an interview or request for further information. They received our file in November of 08. They seem to interview about 70 to 80% of the applicants for spousal sponsorship. It depends on a number of things that would make them question the relationship. Things like culture, age, length of time in the relationship, previous marriages, children, etc.

If you really want to contact them, the best way would be to email them at rabat.immigration@international.gc.ca. However, do not expect a quick response. They don't like to be contacted before the timeline that was given. Good luck.


Sep 5, 2009
I am wondering if there are any problems getting married beacuse of age difference. I am 30 and my fiancee is 24. Will this cause us any problems when doing our papers for marriage? And do I need to contact the embassy for a meeting before I leave to go to morocco befoer we can marry?
Thank you in advance.

Faicals Girl

Full Member
Sep 5, 2009
I thank you all for the wondefully fast response. Now...I just wish Immigration was that quick! I was so happy to find this link to be able to have at least some idea of what to expect. I did check the CIC link and you are correct, it does say 'In Process'.
I am sure I am like the rest of you, just impatient to have my husband with me. I have been to Morocco three times in the last year. The second time I got married. The third time I came home pregnant. But to my dismay we lost our twins a mont or so later. I just miss my husband. I would really move with him in Morocco until the papers are finished, but I have two children from a previous marriage. So, even getting to travel there as much as I have so far is a miracle.
To the lady that is asking about age being a problem in the marriage there, there was no problem for us and I am 10 years older than my husband. It is not the marriage part that they look at the age, it is the immigration people that do that. I have heard some hard things happen, but also some good ones when it comes to immigration. All I know is that we have to trust that God has a plan for us and that all will work out in the end.
I try not to buy into the problems that can happen. What is that saying...don't borrow trouble. Thank you for the support and direction. I hope all works out the way your hearts desire!



VIP Member
Feb 24, 2009
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Hi Amy,

You can get married no matter the age difference. What you need to concern yourself with is getting all the paper work completed. Did you check the Canadian Embassy website for the requirements? You need to obtain a Capacity for Marriage at the Canadian Embassy in Rabat. In order to do that you must submit an affidavit and pay a fee. You also need to get other things here in Canada before you go to Morocco. These are listed on the embassy website. Have your fiance meet with an Adul to get a list of the requirements he needs and you both need to complete while in Morocco. This is extremely important!

Kimberly, I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your twins. Yes, you must stay positive. This process is long and difficult. The best advice is to be EXTREMELY prepared.

Good luck everyone. I hope this week brings positive news.


VIP Member
Feb 24, 2009
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An update from the French forum. A couple with an AOR date of November 3/08 was called for an interview on September 17. Still no news for my husband. The waiting continues.


Sep 8, 2009
hi every body my name is youssef and i'm really glad to be here between you to change idea .
i get married with my wife from canada since 16 april 2008 and our paper is still in processing since 13 mai 2009 and i'm still waiting .
please if you have any idea dont hesitate to help me and thank you so much ispecialy you penny i read every think about you from the beginning
thank you


VIP Member
Feb 24, 2009
Job Offer........
Welcome Youssef. I hope your wait is not too long like some of us. If you have any questions, just ask and we will do what we can to help you. Good luck.


Full Member
Mar 17, 2008
so i went for the interview it was good i was stressed before that i got there but i realize its was easy so here is how its was .
there is a morocain agent who chek ur file first and ask u about the picturs ppl that came to morocco ( my wife side) her dad mom sister brothers ... what i do for job to see everything on ur flie application if there is something missing on it and at and she told me maybe u wont have interview , she toke all my file and she told me wait for 15 mn and when she came back she came whit the files that my wife sent first time and she told me you dont need interview that mean u get to have 2 interview the first one whit the morocain she chek ur file and picturs and ask u simple question that i think everyone can answer like who is on this picturs for example for me its was dad of my wife , and they told me we will call u as soon as possible because she told me my medical will expired on 22 october so they will give me visa befor that so maybe they will call me next week , and when i came home i got call from the ambassy and they told me we dont have the first 4 page of ur passport they asked me if i can fax them , they were very nice the canadian agent came i was wearing suit and she told me just relax u will be fine because i was so swety then she came and turn icy on wooooooooohaaaaaa much better .
so if u get call from rabat asking about more proof just relax and everything will work fine .

ps: the fax number is it right just making sure i sent it to the right place 0537687447


Full Member
Apr 7, 2009
y_matich said:
hi every body my name is youssef and i'm really glad to be here between you to change idea .
i get married with my wife from canada since 16 april 2008 and our paper is still in processing since 13 mai 2009 and i'm still waiting .
please if you have any idea dont hesitate to help me and thank you so much ispecialy you penny i read every think about you from the beginning
thank you
welcome brother yousef so we are in same boat then feel free to express , good luck to everyone .
happy ramdan