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Sponsoring husband from Morocco


Star Member
Nov 2, 2008
anouarjacklyn said:
thank you so much agadir08 , all be fine inchallah , when there is a hope there is a way , keep strong , keep simple all be fine .
To keep me occupied I decided I will paint our room a more cozy welcoming color! Got to have everything perfect for his home coming!!


Full Member
Apr 7, 2009
yeah , that really great , i have too prepare too cos my bride she will come over morocco inchallah next week , im very exited , its being long time or ears and our eyes and our heart is pooped out cos of the phones and camera , our fingers become a key bored , we learn from distance and from people and from selves , that all too survive fellowing the happiness way by these i say all time we must take it easy and aspect all as one result inchaalah all will be fine ...


Star Member
Jul 16, 2009
hello friends ,yeah i was busy this week but i wanna share with you the news;well i did an interveiw,the lady asked me if i want it in arabic or englih or friench,i said to her in english,and she said ok ,she said to me i will ask you questions about your relationship and this is what she asked me about?
-what is name your wife -where she is living-what is her job-how much she recieve every month-how many brothers and sisters she has and what are their names-what is your plan when you will go to canada-and what you will do for work-can you plz tell me about your relationship-when you had the weeding -how many members were in the weeding-where you went for the honnymoon-what is your relagion and your wife relegion-you will be happy when you will see your childs muslims?and this is a hard question and alhamdo li allah i respended well(if my childs want me to explain for them islam i will but i will not puch them to be muslims i will let them choose what they like and she said good)-what isher color hair-what is job her sister-and what is name her parents and what they are doing for work-she cheak my album photos and she said who is this and this and this and where this photo and this-did she give you money-why you did not get money from her(becouse i have work in morocco i can afford to pay for my stuff)-how many trips she came to morocco-are you parents happy about your wife -did her parents happy about you-what are the gifts she gave you in the weeding-what did you give her-did she live alone -where you were staying when you were in honnymoon.
honestly i was so honest and i did not lie and i respended well and i have to tell you my friends you have to just know about your wife and be honest and smile in your face and plz let the scary out the consulat and be fine ,i'm sure that everyone will be fine and just take it easy and enjoy when you are in interveiw ..
i wish everybody good luck from all my deeply heart and allah yssahal 3la ljami3..


Star Member
Nov 2, 2008
First of all congratulations to you and your wife! So did they give you visa immediately or you still have to wait more? When you think you will come to Canada? I guess the person who is asking the questions can tell if it is a real marriage by the way the applicant answers these question.There's no hiding the legitimacy of two hearts in love!! Really myself and my husband are so happy for you both!


Star Member
Jul 16, 2009
they said to me to redo my medical cheak and i did,so i have friend who had the same situation and he waited 1 month and 10 days after he did redo his medical,so our fingers are crossed ,i think if my medical was not expered if i got a visa in the interveiw but the medical cheak witch make this game of waiting...
i wish all my friends get the call but my fingers are crossed with rjessome to get a call and iam sure that she will get the call and just has to tell her husband to be ready for an interveiw and he can choose to do he interveix in witch language becouse there is no problem,someone who did the interveiw in arabic and he was approved too..good luck to everybody..


VIP Member
Feb 24, 2009
Job Offer........
They do not issue visas at the interview. Once the relationship has been found to be genuine, they then run the security checks. This is where the name is sent to CSIS (Canada Security Intelligence Service) for clearance. It takes about 3 weeks to one month for these to be completed, sometimes longer if the person has lived in another country or has a similar name to someone on a watch list, has had military or police service, etc..

The way to know whether you are getting a call for an interview or to pick up your visa is the day you are scheduled to come to the embassy. Visa's are only issued on Wednesday's in Rabat. Interviews are ALMOST never held on a Wednesday unless it is a 2nd interview and these are very rare.

Thanks abdo12 :). We hope we will get the call very soon too!

I believe the embassy will be closed on Monday and/or Tuesday for Eid. Hopefully we will hear some good news after that! Have a great weekend everyone!


Star Member
Nov 2, 2008
Please tell me how much is too much to hound embassy? Don't want to piss them off and have our application put to bottom or even worse visa refused,but on the other side of the coin the noisey wheel gets the oil.Advise me my fellow sufferers


Star Member
Sep 6, 2009
salam and big salam for everyone...

abdo12... thank u so much for everything u telling Us .im really was wait to hear what happend with u in ribat.i hope the best from my heart to u.and get ur visa very sooon.im married too from canadian women.i finished now 6 months and 6 days a go about my fill in Ribat. abdo12 u waiting 7 months or more to get call???
salam Amir


VIP Member
Feb 24, 2009
Job Offer........
Good question agadir08. I wish I knew! But I will tell you what I think.

First thing is to look at the AOR (Acknowledgement of Receipt) letter that was sent to your husband. The processing time on that should say 7 months as that is the standard form letter they send to everyone. When you have reached the 7 month processing mark, you are then "allowed" to correspond with them. Sending a fax or email or case specific enquiry seems to be the best route.

However, the posted average processing times on the CIC website indicate average processing times to be between 8 and 10 months. Some embassies will refuse to respond if you are not close to that 2nd number. Even still, the responses you will tend to get are just form letters anyway basically telling you that you are in the queue for an interview and THEY will contact you. So basically please shut up and go away. We will call you when we're ready.

The only REAL piece of information we got was from our MP when we asked him to inquire on our behalf. However, I think they lied to him because they said the interview would take place in September but I don't believe that will happen now because there are only 11 days left in this month.

What I'm anxiously awaiting are the CAIPS notes because on there will be a BF date. BF = Bring Forward so that's the next time the file will be reviewed. At this stage for us (almost 10 months of waiting) I'm expecting this date will be when he will be called for an interview.

So I know this wasn't much of an answer. I've done ALL of those things I mentioned above (except send a fax) but it hasn't helped us in anyway. Wish I had more "concrete" information for you.

Amir00, welcome to the forum. Abdo12 waited more than 10 months to get the call for the interview. My husband and I have been waiting over 9 and 1/2 months so far with no call yet. Good luck to you.


Star Member
Nov 2, 2008
Is there anything else my husband could be doing from his end to speed up process? I am not one to quietly sit on the sidelines and shut my mouth.They will not make me go away by sending me garbage replies to my request for status information.They can do one of two thngs-either process our application to get rid of me or refuse our application entirely,knowing my luck it would be the latter.I feel like I've been bound and gagged not being able to speak out of fear of harming our case.I guess I believed the 7 month wait stated on our initial letter was written in stone and that was keeing me gong.Now that we have passed this milestone,I am totally freaked out.Basically we can't believe a word they say to us.I was excited to receive the email staing our application was quered for interview,until I realized I was stupid and naive to believe it.Is it possible that no interview will be required,or is that more naive wishful thinking? Sorry Im just having a bad week.I hope we all will get our spouses home where they belong soon,incha allah.


VIP Member
Feb 24, 2009
Job Offer........
I completely understand your stress. Believe me. But if you read that letter again, it says average time is 7 months IF "no interview is required". So that's where they get us.

However, you SHOULD believe their email. You are in the queue for an interview. That's what is taking so long. They've decided an interview is required so you have to wait.

Now in your case, are they aware that you and your husband are now married? I know you applied as conjugal. This is information you should send them if you haven't already. Get your marriage contract translated and send it to them by fax or through the Case Specific Enquiry form where you can add attachments.

You've already ordered your CAIPS notes so they are on their way to you within the next 30 days. If you don't want to sit on the sidelines here are two other things you can do:

1. Contact your MP and ask them to make an inquiry on your behalf.
2. Send another package of proof to them including more emails, chats, telephone records, pictures, boarding passes, etc. Send this via courier like Fedex or UPS where you can track it internationally. Expensive, I know but these are things you CAN do.

I know you are frustrated. I am too but they have the power here, not us. In less than one month, it will be 1 YEAR since I sent our application to CIC Mississauga to begin this whole process. Rabat received our file in November of 2008! And I know others who are still waiting from December and January too. You are not alone. But take it from me, I've wasted too much time and energy being angry, sad and frustrated with them. It's WASTED and I can never get it back. It's not going to help. You have to MAKE yourself stop obsessing over this by throwing yourself into something else. You MUST do this for yourself. All of this will end eventually and we should all focus on doing what we can to stay positive. Focus on things you CAN control, not things you can't. Take it from someone who knows.

And here's something you can do with your husband. PRACTICE for the interview. Practice questions and answers. There are lists posted throughout this thread to give you an idea of what the both of you can expect. At least by doing that you ARE doing something positive for both of you that will improve your chances of having a successful result.


VIP Member
Feb 24, 2009
Job Offer........
Just thinking about how everyone wants to know all of the dates for each person. Why don't you all register on Trackitt? It's:


It's free to join and private like these forums. You can register your dates for everything there and see how long others using the same embassy are waiting. It's really useful and the more people that are on it, the better we will be able to estimate how long each stage will take.

I'm on there as rjessome. :eek:)

Hint: AOR date means the date Rabat received your file. If anyone has any questions about this, just ask me and I will help you.



Star Member
Nov 2, 2008
rjessome said:
I completely understand your stress. Believe me. But if you read that letter again, it says average time is 7 months IF "no interview is required". So that's where they get us.

However, you SHOULD believe their email. You are in the queue for an interview. That's what is taking so long. They've decided an interview is required so you have to wait.

Now in your case, are they aware that you and your husband are now married? I know you applied as conjugal. This is information you should send them if you haven't already. Get your marriage contract translated and send it to them by fax or through the Case Specific Enquiry form where you can add attachments.

You've already ordered your CAIPS notes so they are on their way to you within the next 30 days. If you don't want to sit on the sidelines here are two other things you can do:

1. Contact your MP and ask them to make an inquiry on your behalf.
2. Send another package of proof to them including more emails, chats, telephone records, pictures, boarding passes, etc. Send this via courier like Fedex or UPS where you can track it internationally. Expensive, I know but these are things you CAN do.

I know you are frustrated. I am too but they have the power here, not us. In less than one month, it will be 1 YEAR since I sent our application to CIC Mississauga to begin this whole process. Rabat received our file in November of 2008! And I know others who are still waiting from December and January too. You are not alone. But take it from me, I've wasted too much time and energy being angry, sad and frustrated with them. It's WASTED and I can never get it back. It's not going to help. You have to MAKE yourself stop obsessing over this by throwing yourself into something else. You MUST do this for yourself. All of this will end eventually and we should all focus on doing what we can to stay positive. Focus on things you CAN control, not things you can't. Take it from someone who knows.

And here's something you can do with your husband. PRACTICE for the interview. Practice questions and answers. There are lists posted throughout this thread to give you an idea of what the both of you can expect. At least by doing that you ARE doing something positive for both of you that will improve your chances of having a successful result.
Yes both Arabic and English marriage certifiates were sent to them.In addition I had my lawyer notorize these as well and that was sent to them.Also I legally changed my name to Khadija and this legal certificate was forwarded to them as well.Why would I change my name if this mariage is a sham?How much more legitmate can you get.I still have so much to learn about Islam but I converted when we married and my husband is the best teacher I know!