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Sponsoring husband from Morocco


Star Member
Nov 2, 2008
paixpeace said:
rjessome stay possitive i got call last week and i went for interview and it was ok and they said they will call me next week for visa before my medical expired in 22 october thats all iam doing now prayer and staying possitive u cant change nothings just help eachother whit support and inchallah we all will here good news
Can you please tell me how long the medical and police certificates are valid? When do they expire, is it after 6 months? Thanks


VIP Member
Feb 24, 2009
Job Offer........
No, not 6 months. The medical is valid for 1 year from the time it was completed. At the time your husband is contacted for an interview, he will be asked to bring a new police clearance with him. They are easy to get and relatively inexpensive (30 dirhams in Marrakech).

Thanks for the note paixpeace. We are staying positive and ACTIVE in this. My husband is re-doing his medical next week, getting a new police clearance and I have emailed my MP's office again today as it looks like the Embassy lied to my MP. They said my husband's interview will take place in September but this does not seem possible now as there has been no call yet and the embassy will be closed next Monday and Tuesday for Eid. The embassy is required to give adequate notice of an interview which "should" be at least 2 weeks (although I know they give less sometimes). Well 2 weeks from today is the last day of September and also a Wednesday. The embassy does not conduct this type of interview on Wednesday's as these are "visa" days (visas issued are distributed on Wednesdays). Hopefully my MP will be able to get some information from them as they haven't responded to my last email which I sent last week.

BUT, it will be over soon. We will stay positive but I will NOT let them treat us unfairly. :)


Star Member
Nov 2, 2008
Well just got email from embassy in Rabat informing me that our application in is quere for interview.What exactly does this mean and how many centuries will it take them to move to next stage?


Star Member
Nov 2, 2008
agadir08 said:
Well just got email from embassy in Rabat informing me that our application in is quere for interview.What exactly does this mean and how many centuries will it take them to move to next stage?
Forgot to add that my husband and I are celebrating our 6 month wedding anniversary today on opposite sides of the globe,fun hey?


VIP Member
Feb 24, 2009
Job Offer........
agadir08 said:
Well just got email from embassy in Rabat informing me that our application in is quere for interview.What exactly does this mean and how many centuries will it take them to move to next stage?
You got the "form" letter.

Order your CAIPS notes NOW and get a second package of proof sent off to them ASAP.

Still no news for us either.


Star Member
Aug 26, 2008

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary. My husband and I celebrated 2 years of wedding anniversaries apart thanks to these incompetant....blank...blanks at this embassy. BUT he's home finally and so one day your husband will be home with you too...keep strong and fight, ask and follow the advice given by rjessome. The more you know the better, they won't move until someone lights a fire under them.


Star Member
Nov 2, 2008
The forms for CAIPS was sent today.I was feeling little hopeful after receiving email from embassy this morning,but after hearing it took two years to get your husband here,my heart sank to my shoes.Guess every case is different and we'll just have to wait and see.Hopefully my husband will be with me soon,incha Allah.


Hero Member
Nov 5, 2007
Don't give up hope, every case is completely different.

From the day I sent in our application until my Husband received his Visa was just under 10 months. It was 8 months after his file was received in Rabat. At that time there were those that also unexplicably took a long time, and others that were even faster than ours.

He has been here for 1 year now and it was well worth the painful and difficult wait.

I pray for everyone to be with their loved one quickly.

Good luck to all


Star Member
Nov 2, 2008
Thanks so much for your success story! That's all I need to remain positive and hopeful.Congratulations on getting your husband here with you.Moroccans are wonderful people!!!! I wish happy endings like yours for all of who waiting and wonderng like us!

PS how did he adjust to Canada and does he like it here?


Hero Member
Nov 5, 2007
Thank you very much.

I wish happy futures for all who are waiting also.

He absolutely loves it here. He said he felt completely at home since he arrived.
Everyone is welcoming, and everything is very natural.
He even enjoyed his first winter here. LOL

The Quebec accent is a little tricky for him though. LOL

One thing he really loves is automatic cars, it makes driving sooooooo much easier.

I also went to join him to enjoy his first flight, and his arrival to his new home. It was such a great experience to share together.

Your happy ending will arrive soon I am sure


VIP Member
Feb 24, 2009
Job Offer........
agadir08 said:
The forms for CAIPS was sent today.I was feeling little hopeful after receiving email from embassy this morning,but after hearing it took two years to get your husband here,my heart sank to my shoes.Guess every case is different and we'll just have to wait and see.Hopefully my husband will be with me soon,incha Allah.
Agadir08, don't let that get you down. BettyPage went through a horrendous ordeal that was unique to her situation as she had to deal with a refusal that was unjust and unfair due to a visa officer not doing their job. This VO is not longer at this embassy. The refusal was overturned without going to ADR or appeal so things FINALLY worked out for them after a long time of suffering. :)

You should take hope and encouragement from her. We all should and from hoping75 too. They have been in our shoes and they have experience we can trust and rely on. Some of the things I recommend as actions to people here are taken from real life experiences of people like them. The practical world is always different from school.

To my Moroccan khoya's and khotti's, I know you are sorry to see Ramadan end but I wish you all a very joyful Eid celebration on Sunday or Monday!


Full Member
Apr 7, 2009
hello friend and brothers and sisters
wish the luck for our brother and friend (abdo..)
good luck to evryone and ramadan karim
3id mobarak said


Star Member
Nov 2, 2008
This forum is certainly a wonderful thing.Everyones comments are so helpful and a tool that is keeping me from insanity! Knowledge is power and I've learned so much from all forum members.Wishing everyone a joyful Eid!