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Sponsoring husband from Morocco

Lois Lane

Hero Member
May 14, 2008
(close to Toronto) Ontario
Visa Office......
Rabat, Morocco
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
10 2007
rjessome, CONGRADULATIONS job well done

agidir08, wishing you and your husband a positive response, if they dont give him an answer at the interview, he should politely ask if there is anything he can clear up for them, as your relationship is genuine and the two of you are anxious to be together, if there is nothing else to clear up, there is no harm in asking if he has been approved

best of luck to everyone no matter what stage of the waiting game you are at.


Star Member
Jul 16, 2009
congratulation rjessome!!

agadir08 i wish everything will be great with you and hear good news about your husband,our fingers crossed and the waiting game will be over inch'allah soon.


Star Member
Nov 2, 2008

Please forgiveness my rudeness,I posted my last message as I was heading off to work a night shift so I neglected to say congratulations to you on your achievement!! Who better to help future immigrants to Canada then someone who knows first hand the hardships one must endure through this process,My husband and I hope that your next achievement will be beginning your life with your husband and son very soon,incha allah!

Thank you to everyone for your support and good wishes.It is very true we are all with each other no matter what stage of the game we are facing.The kinship between us all is amazing! I think it would be a great idea if all successful forum couples got together annually to celebrate our victories and newcomers would be added each year!! We truly do share in each others joys and sorrows and this network gives us strength and courage.I am proud be Canadian and equally as proud to have a Moroccan husband.There is something uniquely special about Moroccans that cannot found elsewhere.So my friends the support and concern you have extended to us, is equally returned to each and every member of this forum!

Spoke to my hubby this morning and he arrived safely in Rabat.He is tired but otherwise feeling very positive and upbeat! I'll keep you posted!!


Full Member
Sep 30, 2009
hi can some one tell me in here about the sponsor and the sponsored spouse agreement ??,
i see sign for the sponsor and sign for the sponsored spouse and the co-signer who this co-signer i really dont know exactly what they mean by that ???,
thank for the person who will replay me


VIP Member
Feb 24, 2009
Job Offer........
pomaaz said:
hi can some one tell me in here about the sponsor and the sponsored spouse agreement ??,
i see sign for the sponsor and sign for the sponsored spouse and the co-signer who this co-signer i really dont know exactly what they mean by that ???,
thank for the person who will replay me
Hi pomaaz, welcome to the forum.

There is no co-signer for spousal sponsorships so don't worry about that. A co-signer is for when financial requirements must be met and this is NOT required to sponsor a husband or a wife. So just leave it empty.

Thanks agadir08. We all hope for good news from you tomorrow. But if they don't tell him anything, don't freak out like I did. Patience is a virtue in this process!


Full Member
Sep 22, 2009
Hi everyone .How are you.First I would like to wish everyone a HAPPY THANKS GIVING

Agardir08-I am glad to hear your husband made it there ok. Just you to know my husband and I wish you your husband the best of luck tomorrow and our prays are with you both. I know you must be going crazy waiting for tomorrow but just keep the faith and all thing will be fine.

As what you said I toldly agree with you that couple should celebrate our victory with members of the form. It would be nice to meet face to face of all the people who help and supported each other.

Ryessome- your insperation and support to us all is a blessing and I wish you get everything your deverse and I hope soon that you will hear something .The love and support you show here tells us how amazing you are wish you all the best my friend

As to everyone else keep the strength in your hearts and stay positive
God bless you all and have a safe and happy holiday Happy Thanks Giving from our house to yours


Full Member
Sep 30, 2009
Hi pomaaz, welcome to the forum.

There is no co-signer for spousal sponsorships so don't worry about that. A co-signer is for when financial requirements must be met and this is NOT required to sponsor a husband or a wife. So just leave it empty.

thank you for the nice answer
so when the sponsor pay fees for the applications,,,,?,are they call you or how is that fees before or after send the applications files...... what is the way to pay and which addres and when ,, otherwise i need informations about that ??
sorry i dont have time to read a lot but i feel good to ask and get the answer from the others who have experiences
any way thanks for all
Oct 7, 2009
hi every one
iam new friend in this forum and i have the same matter . iam married from canada so my forms was in porcess from last feb 2009 and iam still wait and my wife too i can understand her she's very stressing with that but iam still patient and waiting ................
i have just some questions for the husbands moroccan who married from canada .
when they call you for interview they ask for new police clearance so my question how much time between thier call and the date of interview because the police clearance need more than 4 days to make it .
2- question: what's the type of questions for this interview ?
3- who choose the language of interview the husband or the embassy ?
so i hope some one had the interview or some one have the informations let us know of it and thanks for every one
inchallah soon all things will be ok not lose trust in god just pray and du3aa


Star Member
Jan 22, 2009
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Feb 2009
AOR Received.
March 2009
Nov 2009
Passport Req..
Nov 2009
nov 2009
Dec 2009
Congratulations Rjessome .... So true who better to help than you a person who has been through the whole process.. Good For You..

As for me I called and asked about CAIPS notes they are being sent out October 20 to me..

1.How often should you send emails to embassy or even call them ?

2.Is it to late to send additional information or provide more proof of relationship ?

3.When should you get MP involved ?

4.When are calls made for interviews usually ?

5. When sending information will I need to send more recent pay stubs to husband for him to bring to interview to still show i am working ??

I appreciate your answers.. I want to get all things ready and let embassy know I am breathing and waiting for their answer but still not wanting to hinder the process by upsetting them with calls and emails.. Thanks Again and Best of Luck to All


VIP Member
Feb 24, 2009
Job Offer........

Your wife must pay the fees first and send a copy of the receipt with the completed application to CPC Mississauga. Here is the website where she can pay the fees online with a credit card or instructions on how to pay at a bank in Canada.


Hi inchallah-soon, welcome to the forum.

I know they are calling people who's application started processing in March 09 now but it seems you are in the slow pile. I know how that feels. My husband waited 10 months for an interview! It is very stressful. You wife can contact her MP and ask them to make an inquiry at the embassy for her or she can also email them. It's not going to make much of a difference if she emails but they must give the MP some answers. Has your wife ordered the CAIPS notes yet? Read back through the last 10 pages of this forum. Lois Lane posted a list of questions that are commonly asked and I have posted instructions on how to order the CAIPS notes. It's easy to get the CAIPS and it takes about 5 weeks to get them. She should do this right away. These are the notes entered into the computer system on your file and it may help you know what kind of questions they will ask and if they have any concerns.

Regarding language, you can have the interview in English, French or Arabic. They will have someone translate if you want the interview in Arabic and they provide the translator. My husband chose to do the interview in English because he wanted to show the Visa Officer that his English was strong so we could communicate because I only speak "shweea shweea" Arabic.

Please let us know if you have any more questions. Everyone on this forum is very helpful and we will do what we can to guide you.


VIP Member
Feb 24, 2009
Job Offer........
hopeful_waiting said:
Congratulations Rjessome .... So true who better to help than you a person who has been through the whole process.. Good For You..

As for me I called and asked about CAIPS notes they are being sent out October 20 to me..

1.How often should you send emails to embassy or even call them ?

2.Is it to late to send additional information or provide more proof of relationship ?

3.When should you get MP involved ?

4.When are calls made for interviews usually ?

5. When sending information will I need to send more recent pay stubs to husband for him to bring to interview to still show i am working ??

I appreciate your answers.. I want to get all things ready and let embassy know I am breathing and waiting for their answer but still not wanting to hinder the process by upsetting them with calls and emails.. Thanks Again and Best of Luck to All
Thanks girl!

You just reached 7 months right? Ok, so your file should be going through paper screening right now. Did you send an email yet? How often is too often is the $64,000 question! Who knows? You can involve your MP if your AOR letter says 7 months processing and you are beyond that but I'm living proof that it doesn't speed things up but I did get information and it was nice knowing that someone was in my corner. The nice thing about involving an MP is that they MUST respond to them within a certain time frame. They can ignore us but not our elected officials!

No, it's not too late to send additional proof. Whenever they get something new on the file they have to open it and look at it again. It's your choice really. I would recommend sending it via courier although it's really expensive. But you want to guarantee that it gets there and regular mail just won't do that. Don't use Xpress post because they don't track well outside of Canada. UPS or Fedex would be better. It's up to you really. You can send it now or wait until you get the CAIPS to see when the next bring forward date will be. You are right on the cusp of things so I understand your indecision.

Calls for interviews can be made on any day but I haven't heard about them being made on a Friday. I'm sure it could happen however. Tell your husband to check his email everyday too. That's how they informed my husband of the interview.

No, you don't need to send more paystubs.

I hope that helps. Let me know if you need help reading the CAIPS when you get them. It's not difficult.


Star Member
Sep 3, 2008
inchallah-soon said:
hi every one
iam new friend in this forum and i have the same matter . iam married from canada so my forms was in porcess from last feb 2009 and iam still wait and my wife too i can understand her she's very stressing with that but iam still patient and waiting ................
i have just some questions for the husbands moroccan who married from canada .
when they call you for interview they ask for new police clearance so my question how much time between thier call and the date of interview because the police clearance need more than 4 days to make it .
2- question: what's the type of questions for this interview ?
3- who choose the language of interview the husband or the embassy ?
so i hope some one had the interview or some one have the informations let us know of it and thanks for every one
inchallah soon all things will be ok not lose trust in god just pray and du3aa
Salam, and welcome to the forum. InshAllah you will hear some good news soon.