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Sponsoring husband from Morocco

Lois Lane

Hero Member
May 14, 2008
(close to Toronto) Ontario
Visa Office......
Rabat, Morocco
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
10 2007
wow that's great news!!!!!!!!! all the very best

it's wild no news for months and then all of a sudden they are on fire

and lots getting approved with interview which is even more good news


Full Member
Jun 10, 2008
thanx alots for evryone of you, thanx rjessome ,thanx lois lane , thank you lovley lady i hope to hear good news very soon bout all of you , and bout all others ppl on here, good luck and best wishes

well rjessome, my wife and i intending to live in edmonton ,but first i have to join her to prince edward island whre she lives, she will be here in 8 days inshae allah and i dont think if we can go back together

hard luck evrybody



VIP Member
Feb 24, 2009
Job Offer........
Prince Edward Island is beautiful. I hear Edmonton is lovely in summer but be prepared for a cold winter! LOL! Have a wonderful holiday with your wife and you never know, maybe you will get very lucky and you can go pick up your visa while she's there and travel to Canada together! Anyway, it's fantastic news and you and your wife must me extremely happy and excited.

Let's hope next week is just as busy as the past two in Rabat! Have a weekend.


VIP Member
Feb 24, 2009
Job Offer........
You have to be patient now. Your medical is still valid at this moment. If they require you to do a new one, they will tell you. Your interview was less than 2 weeks ago so don't worry. They told you you were accepted so you just have to wait for their call. Maybe your background checks are not finished yet. Sometimes they can take a little while. Hopefully you will get a call in the next week or two to go pick up your visa. Good luck and congratulations on being accepted at your interview.


VIP Member
Feb 24, 2009
Job Offer........
You are very welcome! It sounds like you had a really good experience at your interview. I'm very happy for you. It was good for you to have all of the paper proof even if you didn't need it. You never know! You are from Marrakech? That's where my husband is from too. And we met in person also the first time. I love Marrakech very much. I have been there 8 times so it feels like my second home now!

Where will you settle in Canada? I hope you will love it here. We have a very beautiful and very big country with people from all over the world living here. It's very different from life in Marrakech but you will adjust easily. Be open to new things, new people and new experiences and you will have a great life here with your wife. Best of luck to you and I hope you receive the call for your visa very soon.


hi, everybody
well am not good in english but i try so my beautiful wife just get my paper work last week and we dont know what the next step or steps if u have someinformation plz let us know tks lot am waiting the answering


VIP Member
Feb 24, 2009
Job Offer........
Hi Hoffa,

You wife needs to complete the application package and send it to Canada Immigration office in Mississauga. If she is from Quebec, she needs to prepare some additional papers as well. Here is the link to the website for her to get all of the information she needs.


It might be a good idea for her to come on this site if you are not sure you understand enough English. There is also a French website like this one that has many people with husbands and wives coming to Canada from Morocco. The link for that site is here:


I hope this helps you.


I was just wondering if anybody else on here is presently in the appeal process.
We were denied over a year ago from the Embassy in Rabat , I submitted our appeal papers, with a lawyer, and we still have not gotten any dates yet. We received a package of papers from the IAD, with all the minutes in it from the interview ect. but still no dates for the ADR.
Very long process, very discouraging and heart breaking. It is almost 2 years now since we filed our first papers, and it sounds like from my lawyer that it could be up to at least another 2 years. He said 80% of the marriages do not make it through the process. Sounds like the IAD like to test relationships for validity. Just wondering if anybody else is in the same boat as us or not.


VIP Member
Feb 24, 2009
Job Offer........
I'm very sorry to hear that Karribear. I do know of two couples who were refused in Rabat and WON at appeal. Also, Lois Lane has gone through and WON an appeal so she is the expert on that as far as Morocco is concerned. I'm sure she will help you too. Good luck.


Thank you so much Rjessome for your reply.
I have looked at these links and I believe this will be of help.
Appeals are so hard, and it seems like everybodys file gets treated differently with dates and times and speed. It does not make sense really but we have to keep the faith and stay strong.
Have you perfected a way to keep msn's so we do not have to print of a truck load in the end? My lawyer said there is suppose to be a way to print a record of dates, times, durations, without all the content. But i have not found a way to do that, with any messenger sites. It seems we have to print the whole thing, but do they really want to read it all?


Full Member
Apr 7, 2009
hoffa said:
hi, everybody
well am not good in english but i try so my beautiful wife just get my paper work last week and we dont know what the next step or steps if u have someinformation plz let us know tks lot am waiting the answering
hi salam
the mean think is your file must be more organized , the steps is easy if you think it is , just be pation and take your time , you can get the information from www.cic.gc.ca , i wrote you a private message you will find my e.mail .

lah ikamal bikhir , lailah ila lah ou sbar


Full Member
May 17, 2009
thank you rjessome
my nime is hamid yes im from marakech and settle with my wife in toronto ,they stil didnt call lol that crazy i hope i dont have to go for new medical because that will take one other month ,
im happy to know u came here to many time that is very nice and thsi will help you to get your husband there fast ,my wife came here 4 time and now she think will come so we can fly together if god want of cours ,we are waiting for this time to come ,we hope inchalah very soon,thank you rjessome again for your answer
hope everyone have a good news soon ...


VIP Member
Feb 24, 2009
Job Offer........
Blazhmil Hamid. Nice to meet you. You will like Toronto I think! Very big city but lots to do and many different kinds of people. Just be sure you have warm clothes for winter!!! I live in Vancouver which is pretty far from Toronto but it's beautiful here and the weather is better! But a little too much rain.

That's so nice that your wife is thinking to fly with you. I am going back to Marrakech again this summer for 3 weeks before Ramadan. Rabat has had our file since November so we don't think my husband will be called for an interview until June or July. When did Rabat start processing your file? There are lots of people being called now but we really didn't think they would be moving very quickly so we didn't expect my husband to be here until after Ramadan. But now we are not sure. It seems like they could call us any day.

My husband is not nervous about the interview at all but I am! And this waiting is hard. We've been together for 2 years now and it feels like this is never going to end sometimes. But we have to be patient too!

I'm sure you will get your call any day now. They will try to process your visa before your medical expires if you have already had the interview. But if all of the checks aren't finished, they have to wait. You could go an do another medical yourself now if you wanted to and send the paper to the embassy. I know it costs about 1700 dirhams so it's expensive but some people will do that if they are worried that their medical will expire. What date will it be finished? June is now less than 2 weeks away! Just something for you to think about.

I really hope you get good news soon. Thalla frasek!

Lois Lane

Hero Member
May 14, 2008
(close to Toronto) Ontario
Visa Office......
Rabat, Morocco
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
10 2007
does anyone know normalnormal's phone number i need to desperately get a hold of him
please email me at quietandconfidential@hotmail.com

anyone live close to Meknes?

thank you