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Sponsoring husband from Morocco

Lois Lane

Hero Member
May 14, 2008
(close to Toronto) Ontario
Visa Office......
Rabat, Morocco
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
10 2007
karribear, you and i were refused within a couple of weeks of each other
i have had my adr and won already
and my file is already being processed again in rabat

there is something going on that you need to press your lawyer to have a look at
i know everyone's file is different but yours and mine are EXTREMELY similar
right down to the sleep apnea,

do not just leave it with your lawyer
since you have a lawyer callind IAD isn't helpful since they have to speak to your lawyer

but you need to pressure him to get the answers for you!!!

don't leave it another momment, call him and tell him to call IAD and schedule a date
there is no way it is taking this long


Lois Lane

Hero Member
May 14, 2008
(close to Toronto) Ontario
Visa Office......
Rabat, Morocco
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
10 2007
normalnormal, sorry but i thought you were someone else from meknes that i had given some wrong info to regarding flight info,

that being said if you have any questions feel free

i think you're on the right track



Star Member
Sep 3, 2008
Anyone recently receive their visa? If so, how long did it take?

InshAllah lkhair for everyone.

Lay kmel likoum bikhir.


VIP Member
Feb 24, 2009
Job Offer........
Hi Stealth,

It's been quiet on the English forums but lots have received visa's this month on the French forum. They are now working on files received in September, October and November. Have you gotten married yet? Is your application filed? Good luck!


Hero Member
Apr 26, 2008
rjessome said:
Hi Stealth,

It's been quiet on the English forums but lots have received visa's this month on the French forum. They are now working on files received in September, October and November. Have you gotten married yet? Is your application filed? Good luck!
rj can you post the french web url ? thank you


VIP Member
Feb 24, 2009
Job Offer........
bubbleboy said:
rjessome said:
Hi Stealth,

It's been quiet on the English forums but lots have received visa's this month on the French forum. They are now working on files received in September, October and November. Have you gotten married yet? Is your application filed? Good luck!

hi everyone and sorry about what is going on in rabat i really i have been refused 2 more time cause i applayed for visa visitor 2 more times then i have all proof about my job money in the bank and stor and all what they ask about .and know i marry a canadain woman and i know i have to wait like you guys 7 months or maybe more but what we should make something to change those moroccain people who works in the canadain embussy cause all the problems it start from them especaily those pigs of moroccain girls who recieve the files they are so jealous witch means why we leave women here and marry others ....but the answer for them is what ever they think they should know that we need love and someone cares someone who will loves us as we are that's why we marry canadain women cause those canadain people their love comes from their hearts not like our morioccain women if they love you it's only for what you have not who you are ....
my wife and i we have to much proof for that canadain embussy cause our relationship was longer over 3 years and our marriage was wonderfull and we did a big wedding party here inside town and i also have to much CDs and pictures about our rides
Ummmm... ok, I'm sorry you got refused for a visitor's visa. But actually, that is quite common in the embassy in Rabat, especially if you had a Canadian girlfriend that you were visiting here.

Secondly, the people who makes these decision at the Canadian Embassy are CANADIAN CITIZENS. Yes, there are Moroccan people who work in the Embassy but the Visa Officers are all Canadian citizens. Now I believe one of the visa officers is Moroccan/Canadian, duel citizenship. Remember, only visa officers make decisions on files. And when it comes to a visitor's visa, they do NOT have to give SPECIFIC reasons for refusal, just the standard line of ties to your country, etc. You don't know what is in their mind but I certainly doubt jealousy had anything to do with it.

Calling people "pigs" on this forum or any other is just wrong and not necessary. Please be respectful.

Good luck on your new application. Make sure you have everything organized very well and I hope for the best for you and your wife.


Star Member
May 22, 2009
rjessome said:
bubbleboy said:
rjessome said:
Hi Stealth,

It's been quiet on the English forums but lots have received visa's this month on the French forum. They are now working on files received in September, October and November. Have you gotten married yet? Is your application filed? Good luck!

hi everyone and sorry about what is going on in rabat i really i have been refused 2 more time cause i applayed for visa visitor 2 more times then i have all proof about my job money in the bank and stor and all what they ask about .and know i marry a canadain woman and i know i have to wait like you guys 7 months or maybe more but what we should make something to change those moroccain people who works in the canadain embussy cause all the problems it start from them especaily those pigs of moroccain girls who recieve the files they are so jealous witch means why we leave women here and marry others ....but the answer for them is what ever they think they should know that we need love and someone cares someone who will loves us as we are that's why we marry canadain women cause those canadain people their love comes from their hearts not like our morioccain women if they love you it's only for what you have not who you are ....
my wife and i we have to much proof for that canadain embussy cause our relationship was longer over 3 years and our marriage was wonderfull and we did a big wedding party here inside town and i also have to much CDs and pictures about our rides
Ummmm... ok, I'm sorry you got refused for a visitor's visa. But actually, that is quite common in the embassy in Rabat, especially if you had a Canadian girlfriend that you were visiting here.

Secondly, the people who makes these decision at the Canadian Embassy are CANADIAN CITIZENS. Yes, there are Moroccan people who work in the Embassy but the Visa Officers are all Canadian citizens. Now I believe one of the visa officers is Moroccan/Canadian, duel citizenship. Remember, only visa officers make decisions on files. And when it comes to a visitor's visa, they do NOT have to give SPECIFIC reasons for refusal, just the standard line of ties to your country, etc. You don't know what is in their mind but I certainly doubt jealousy had anything to do with it.

Calling people "pigs" on this forum or any other is just wrong and not necessary. Please be respectful.

Good luck on your new application. Make sure you have everything organized very well and I hope for the best for you and your wife.
thanks alot rjessome and sorry for what i said (pi..) but i was so upset really .you know when you love someone and they stop you from seeing her or him .i was trying to visite her and to see her father cause he was at the hospital then when i did ask for visa visitor i get refused cause they say even you have anything if they wanna refuse you they will anyway. there's something called law so we always follow that law but i think knowlege it helps sometimes to speed things up.....just tell me how long it takes for them to look at the file and what time they call for interview cause i have all ready a paper from them they say that they recieve our file and i read on the paper ohhhhh 7 months and maybe more so please if you have some advice or anything just keep in touch with me please thank you


Full Member
Apr 7, 2009
bubbleboy said:
rjessome said:
bubbleboy said:
rjessome said:
Hi Stealth,

It's been quiet on the English forums but lots have received visa's this month on the French forum. They are now working on files received in September, October and November. Have you gotten married yet? Is your application filed? Good luck!

hi everyone and sorry about what is going on in rabat i really i have been refused 2 more time cause i applayed for visa visitor 2 more times then i have all proof about my job money in the bank and stor and all what they ask about .and know i marry a canadain woman and i know i have to wait like you guys 7 months or maybe more but what we should make something to change those moroccain people who works in the canadain embussy cause all the problems it start from them especaily those pigs of moroccain girls who recieve the files they are so jealous witch means why we leave women here and marry others ....but the answer for them is what ever they think they should know that we need love and someone cares someone who will loves us as we are that's why we marry canadain women cause those canadain people their love comes from their hearts not like our morioccain women if they love you it's only for what you have not who you are ....
my wife and i we have to much proof for that canadain embussy cause our relationship was longer over 3 years and our marriage was wonderfull and we did a big wedding party here inside town and i also have to much CDs and pictures about our rides
Ummmm... ok, I'm sorry you got refused for a visitor's visa. But actually, that is quite common in the embassy in Rabat, especially if you had a Canadian girlfriend that you were visiting here.

Secondly, the people who makes these decision at the Canadian Embassy are CANADIAN CITIZENS. Yes, there are Moroccan people who work in the Embassy but the Visa Officers are all Canadian citizens. Now I believe one of the visa officers is Moroccan/Canadian, duel citizenship. Remember, only visa officers make decisions on files. And when it comes to a visitor's visa, they do NOT have to give SPECIFIC reasons for refusal, just the standard line of ties to your country, etc. You don't know what is in their mind but I certainly doubt jealousy had anything to do with it.

Calling people "pigs" on this forum or any other is just wrong and not necessary. Please be respectful.

Good luck on your new application. Make sure you have everything organized very well and I hope for the best for you and your wife.
thanks alot rjessome and sorry for what i said (pi..) but i was so upset really .you know when you love someone and they stop you from seeing her or him .i was trying to visite her and to see her father cause he was at the hospital then when i did ask for visa visitor i get refused cause they say even you have anything if they wanna refuse you they will anyway. there's something called law so we always follow that law but i think knowlege it helps sometimes to speed things up.....just tell me how long it takes for them to look at the file and what time they call for interview cause i have all ready a paper from them they say that they recieve our file and i read on the paper ohhhhh 7 months and maybe more so please if you have some advice or anything just keep in touch with me please thank you

all we have to be pation and pray for god too help us with process , we must be strong and even forget about stress of waiting so long , take it easy you will feel fine , keep the nigative parte of life for the better days and not a day with all nigative part , god bless the broken roed

all be fine inchallah


Star Member
Sep 3, 2008
rjessome said:
Hi Stealth,

It's been quiet on the English forums but lots have received visa's this month on the French forum. They are now working on files received in September, October and November. Have you gotten married yet? Is your application filed? Good luck!
Yes, everything is filed. Now it is just the waiting game...


Star Member
May 22, 2009
hello guys can anyone tell me if i get a lawyer if that help and makes things go fast or i should wait untill they call for interview , cause it's hard to wait a year and they always changing something , for each month with a new case my wife she gets tired from taking flights it is 7 times so far she comes all the way and there's a lot of distance and that's hard fr a woman to take 3 diffrent airplanes in 24 hours .so they should have a new look about husbands and wifes hopping from them to speed up in processing files for each couple ....thank you


VIP Member
Feb 24, 2009
Job Offer........
Congratulations Stealth! I hope you and your wife had a wonderful wedding celebration. I remember thinking that all the paperwork was going to make me crazy! Has Rabat received your file yet? Good luck!

Normalnormal, yes, I do know some people who have received their visa's after the interview. I have seen it take anywhere from 3 weeks to 2 months! And in one case it took even longer because they hadn't completed the security checks. It was an error on their part and from what I understand, it's not a common mistake. But there is a reason for you to think positively. First of all, they need to close files too. So they will try to issue your visa before your medical expires. If they don't, then they will either have to extend the medical or have you do another one which will make more work for them! Inchallah, they will call you Monday to go pick up your visa next week. Think positive.

bubbleboy, I know exactly what you are talking about. It is soooooooo difficult to be separated from someone you love and want to spend your life with. I have been to Morocco 8 times in the last 2 years and my 9th trip will be in July. It's difficult and expensive! It sounds like your wife lives in the west part of Canada like me. I live in Vancouver and it is a very loooooooong trip to Morocco. When did Rabat receive your file? From what I have seen over the past 7 months is that they call people anywhere between 6 and 9 months after they receive the file. Hiring a lawyer is not going to make it go any faster. You really need to stay as positive and patient as possible. There are only 3 visa officers in Rabat who make decisions on files. And remember, they also deal with other classes of immigration as well. I know that doesn't make you feel any better.

This past winter was the most miserable that I can remember in a long time and I never thought it would end. Rabat will have our file for 6 months next Thursday, the 28th, so we are hoping for a call anyday now. Best of luck to all of you.