Just received my GCMS notes… these notes are from June 9th…
to give you background… application was filled on Sept 13…
Application reached Sept 18
AOR on Oct 31 and
they started processing Jan 18
I completed my test on Feb 26 and it was marked complete on March 1st… BG was completed before that…
However, LPP has not even been started by the IRCC Kitchener office yet… you call them and they give you the same B***it of 19 month’s processing time…
What a crap are they running in the IRCC… no system… no process, just their wit’s and whimsy’s run the office… it is so frustrating to deal with them… and who say they are not corrupt… they are very much corrupt (the only difference is that instead of money there is a corruption of time in IRCC, and if time = money then they are very much corrupt)
sorry for my Rant but when you see that your file is not even touched in last 3-4 months… and with this special timeline and an extra ordinary treatment of your application… it does frustrate you…