Congratulations!Rosey_L said:My husband has been trying to call the whole day, but of no luck. I guess we'll just wait for that letter. Hopefully, it's a good news.
From my extensive experience at calling CIC I can tell you that sometimes it does take a few times before you get connected but I always managed to do so. But when I asked my partner to call he was coming back twice claiming that he couldn't get through.
- not wait till the end of all instructions each time. Once he knows the numbers he has to push after the first call, he can press the number after the first sound/word he hears eg. the first question they ask is the choice English /French - so he can press "1" (for English) when he hears the first word from the lady starting to ask about the language, without waiting till she finishes. It always saved me loads of time. So he can push buttons like that till the end, until the lady says something like "now I'm going transfer you to the representative, Do you have you current ID number to...." - he can skip that as well by pressing "0" after her first word. Then he will hear either how long he has to wait or the info that the lines are busy. If he is told how long he has to wait then the waiting starts and he shouldn't press anything, just wait coz they WILL transfer him to the agent at the end. Sometimes I had to wait more than 15min for that but they always did. :
Oh! and calling from any public phone is free (at least in Quebec but I'm guessing everywhere should be like that) so it may save him some money if he's forced to wait long.
And ask your husband to confirm the address, just to be sure. After they confused ours we both got an email letter after 2 days.
So congratulations on your approval (coz I'm sure it IS an approval