YOu may just state the same date of your signature as your last day of work.JoyceM said:Hi has anyone figured out how to leave the to date for current work on the work history form blank and able to go to next page? Or how did you fill out to date of current work?
I wrote both in words and in brackets the NOC code.Zahmed87 said:Please can anyone help !
In Section D,
2. In what occupation do you intend to work in Ontario ?
Can I answer in words or does it have to be NOC Code specific ?
I would really appreciate the help. I need to send my application very soon.
There was no initial need of an email response to Opportunities Ontario. You interest to apply after receiving PT would be fulfilled with your document submission. However, you may send a copy of the mail, not mandatory though.Zahmed87 said:Hello folks !
Do I need to send the copy of the mail that I sent to opportunities.ontario @ confirming my interest to apply after receiving PT along with the application ?
Hi,lebeaupoissonrouge said:Hi,
1) I didn't know it was possible without bank account number.
2) I do need glasses.
Put your bank draft on the first page. Then your photographs in a small envelope and then OOPNP application form. Standard envelope is used to send it to OOPNP.maria_786 said:guys is there a format on how we should put the documents together does it matter? and can we use any envelop or is there any specific requirements for that?
No tell them about any friends you have over there. Also any jobs that you have applied for. Any professional networks you have established.docsood said:Can someone help me with the format of the "statement of intent to settle in ontario" which is to be given as proof of ties.
I have done an online course 'IEHP' from ontario, so can it be shown as a tie in ontario??
Please guide...
Not many people on this thread have received an AOR from OONP. Infact only few who submitted right in the beginning in June got AOR after that no one is getting any acknowledgement. So don't worry too much...still if you want call them..and do let us all know wat they say 8)anandbabud said:Guys.. I have handed over the full oonp application package through my friend by hand on July 10th 2015 but till now there is no acknowledgement from OONP. please advise anything. shall i call them..?