Best of luck: All your predictions are mostly coming true. Wish and pray your latest prediction of time lines for NOM's comes true.
I gave a tip to get 7 in writing. The trick worked for me and worked for many of my friends. I repeat it here
Your English has reached the best level. I am sure you will get the best bands now.
I am not that good at English in writing, but I got L9 R9 S 8 W 7.5. L, R and Speaking is just because of my confidence gained during my education in UK, writing I am sure is due to
content more than anything else.( hard words and idioms act as catalyst to get you over 8. which I missed) I hardly used any idioms or hard words except few of those figure of speech. So remember more important is content of the topic which most of us think is only hard words and idioms used. Keep the
content strong. practice all topics dividing them in categories like
Descriptive, Narrative, Abstract and Imaginary. This worked for me. All the best for CLB10 now.
I wish you don't give up and give it a try. get a direct ITA . You can do it. IF not at least your IELTS will get more one year validity in EE profile.