Many Thanks for clarifying simply

I went through checklist and forms, i feel like i can do it, coz i did my PR application myself with help of the great people in this forum. I am so thankful for this forum.
I just have few more doubts before i start filling application,
1- I don't see anywhere it says exactly like how much am i suppose to earn yearly to support just my wife? but it says like necessary minimum income, by the way, what and how much was that? (In my case, my annual income of last year would be around $30,000 and getting more this year) do you guys thing, am i OK to sponsor??
2- Is my wife need to complete Medical test in India before i apply? or when CIC request? if so, without CIC request, will she able to go and complete test and get the medical report from hospital??
3- Should i pay all the fees together in CDN to Canada office since i have to submit all the application together by myself?? or when CIC request for each step by the office?
4- I requested option C from CRA, by the way, i am just wondering before i get, what is on there?
Your answers will be so much helpful, lots of thanks....