Please check the contact us section of the test invite PDF to find your local processing office (you can find it out from the email address). Sydney office sends AOR for all applications.Hi,
My wife took the citizenship test in early August and test was updated to complete on Aug 4th but LPP is still stuck. Her processing office seems to be Sydney (based on the AOR email she had received in May). I see most people complete LPP within 2 weeks of the test. Is that dependent on the processing office?
How has your general experience with Sydney office been? How long should we wait for applying for GCMS notes?
As per the tracker, there are many applicants with test completed in Aug and waiting for LPP so it is pretty normal. The applicants with faster LPP are mostly from Scarborough processing office.
If you want to add your info to the sheet, please share the below info.
Type: Online application/Paper application
Location (City applied from):
Physical Presence Days:
Application: Single/Family(number of family members):
Application sent:
Tracker Link date:
Ghost Update(s):
Fingerprint Request Date:
Fingerprint Received Date :
Background complete:
Test invite date (in-progress in the tracker):
Test window :
Test given date:
Test completed date (marked completed in the tracker):
Processing office :