Good afternoon everyone. Was just reading in the Jamaican newspaper about the signing of the arrest warrant for Dudas. I pray for calmness across the island and for the most in Kingston. .
Close of day and like I figured no email back.
Like KC416 was saying not much on our file. They are needing the RCMP clearance and thats apparently taking since Oct, helps when ya don't send the prints till Feb what are they thinking. Hubby has the papers there but they prefer their own. So we wait and pray and try to have patience till the day. I am crunching #'s to see about going in June. So soon to be 13 months. I have no ill feelings towards anyone here, for getting out faster. To KG yes yes yes. Communication is the key here and they aren't stepping up. Hubby's been gone since Jan 2008 so much for the IMM lawyer saying "Oh 1 yr he will be back" BIG BS. I think to he was talken cause he liked the sound of his voice and we didn't pay him nothing.
Anyways family tomorrow is a brand new day with hope and payers for us all.
LCW you are full of knowledge.

Approx how long does this take I to may do this cause me is