Hello again,
Gee lots happened while I worked this afternoon...lol......it is SO funny how this forum runs.....love it!!!
Missing...I think your email deserves a reply...and I sure hope you get one that isn't generic again!!!!!! GOOD LUCK and let me just tell you I know exactly how you and your hubby are feeling....I keep telling myself this will be over soon.....and then I wipe away another tear because I am so lonely for my husband!!!
Homesoon...that is so exciting ..I really want to know how your daughter reacts to seeing her Daddy....it will be a moment to cherish forever!!!
HF....you made me laugh... The Sound of Music is such a great movie...and thank you for sharing how you feel..... You will have a hard time to work from now on until hubby is in your arms!!!
Oh and this KFC....which is PFC here in Quebec..lol...hubby talks about it ALL the time... Jam...that will be me...hubby will call and say...bring a bucket home....I need my chicken...lol ...when we talk on the phone at night ...he will say.."bring me to KFC"...
Well I sure hope these vibes continue on here....it is SO great to read these posts!!!