Good evening or good morning which ever you want to call it......i had a busy busy day today, we had our annual company golf tournament today, I was out there all day in that hot hot weather selling raffle tickets! Got me a nice burn to show for all my help! LOL WOW @ Nev the forum is really quiet today........3 weeks already done in July!!!!!!!! do you believe it! Hoping next week they blast off the end of July with some good s&$t! Big ups to all the Kingston workers working so hard for us! Please send our spouses home to us.....really missing hubby tonight but I actually made it thru a week without wanting to get drunk at the end of the week and anyone that knows me knows this is a good thing for me because usually by Friday I am depressed from not hearing anything and just wanna drown in my sorrows

but I did good this week........for some reason it hasn't even bothered me too much, I think i am basically just resigned to the fact now that no amount of me checking ECAS, checking email, bugging hubby to go check the mail is going to get him here any faster.....we just gotta wait!
@ SweetieQ I know you are gone now but prayers going out to you and hubby to get things settled in your lifes......God will surely make it right if it is supposed to be right.......have a good time while you are down there and bring me some rum cream home! LOL j/k
Have a good weekend everyone. Blessings