everything soon sort out for ya hon

God is in control
We met about 11 years ago ...
I was on vacation and he lived in my cousins neighborhood (he did phone and computer,radio,t.v repair)
My cousin went to have something fixed I think it was a tv don't exactly remember but I went with her and that's how we met first. I had no interest what's so ever because I was involved in a relationship(baby dad)
and he was younger than I was which at the time was total turn off for me ...I liked older men lol
Anyways while I was there , my cousin and I went to a couple of parties and he was always there we became friends
And when I was leaving we exchanged telephone and email address on kept in touch on a friendship basis
2 years after that my daughter was born and baby dad and I split .... The end of our relationship was really hard on me but hubby was there for me emotionally as a friend , when my daughter was a few months old I decided to take her to Jamaica to get away from everything for while , during my whole time there he was so wonderful to my daughter and I he went everywhere with us , baby sat for me when I needed a break, and got really close, I was in ja for 3 months and when I was leaving he told me that he was falling in love with me, I was not ready for a relationship so soon after what I had happened with me from the previous relationship so I ran.... But he was persistent he kept calling and messaging me , sending letters cards and even his brothers were calling , he had a brother here and the following summer he came to visit his brother while he was here , we spent time together and I gave into my feelings and we fell in love ... then he had to go back to Jamaica because his time was up we started our long distance relationship , after being in the long distance relationship for it started to get to me and I broke things off with him .... But we eventually found our way back together, we got married in December 2010... and he landed here in Canada December 2012..... we have 2 wonderful girls and right now just taking life easy and enjoying every moment we