Hey good morning guys...just checking in with you all..congrats lost & ali..soon man soon...you know what I wanted to share with everyone thats still waiting... I know it is so hard while your going through the ..the waiting the frustration everything, but when it is all over, you wont believe how fast you wont even remember the details of this time. It will fade away, so quickly. There is light at the end of the tunnel I promise you. Just take deep breaths, remember the road is long BUT not forever, keep your heads high. I know this is easier said than done, but trust me if your loved ones are the real deal then it is all worth it. Think of it like child birth (for the ladies here)...you know how wicked labour pain is, and how the healing after takes time and is sore etc, but no matter how hot that pain is, for all those hours, once you see that sweet baby, it all goes away. I also think about all the other women who for centuries gave birth without epidurals, comfy hospital rooms, modern technology etc, and survived, so I would like all of you to think about all the other families that have gone through this before and they were okay too. This too shall pass. Nothing happens before its time.