Way to go Ali! I know your gonna land both jobs and then have to choose which one you like better
So I know I haven't been on much... sorry for that. I have been keeping myself real busy. I found a group on FB that is an online auction for personal items in my city. You just take a pic of your item, list a start price and list and bid increment and then voila, people start bidding and within 48 hours your auction is over and you announce the winner! I am addicted lol... I am getting rid of CRAP I have held onto for years... making room for hubby and when I buy a house in the next short while, I will have less to move, OH and making MONEY all at the same time! Sorry to sound so excited but I have made $400 this week alone off of clothes that dont fit and shoes I dont wear lol...
I am just happy I have something that is keeping me busy and helping me stay positive right now. Look into it in your area to see if there is something like it. If not, maybe try starting it yourself. If you need help, I can give you more details on how this one works, rules etc.
Well looks like after a lil dry spell, we are seeing some action again out of Kingston. Good!! Congrats Jamaicansgirl! Always great to see a light turn green round here, it gives us all some more hope! I see Mrslwsn poppin in to say hi, thats great too, to have seniors come in and check on us and give us some encourgement. ANd of course our trusty Charlie and Canuck, her with her knowledge and good looks lol and him with his jokes!! Good good to see. All our other fam, so glad your all hanging in there. we have have HAVE to remember, even tho we go long waits without hearing news, we know that each day we made progress, whether its with our filing or our own sanity/insanity. If you made it thru today, your gonna make it thru tomorrow. One day at a time, if thats what it takes.
I found another way to get my mind off of things too, even tho right now I am doing the auctions, I ordered NETFLIX. Seriously, this is a great deal. for $7.99 a month, you have access to countless movies and entire seasons of 75 different TV programs. you can set up an account online, then pay with credit card or with paypal (option to draw payments right out of your bank account). you can view with a computer, or if you have a blue ray dvd player or a nintendo wii, xbox 360 etc... anything that can access wireless internet (u must have wireless internet to use these except thru ur computer) and BOOM! hours of entertainment. I watched all 4 seasons of Prison Break. I was hooked! it took me a month to watch it all but it sure took up a lot of time not spent thinking about immigration. and Wentworth Miller is easy on the eyes (for a white guy

anyways, just thought I would share some things that have been helping me... My next addiction is 50 shades of gray over and over and over again lmfao!!!
Good day peeps!