Good morning! Congrats to Dahlia, go and plan that reunion and get the mister home on the double! ;D
Hey Admirable! *waves*
Yep, LHNB, it's almost like tomorrow. Everything is up in the air right now, I am anxious for the time to pass quickly, and not so anxious, LOL. I want to get settled in my new home, because I dislike the out of place feeling I have to endure until then, and I am also going to be sad leaving my mother and my brother. They are being so great, helping with everything, and making sure they are upbeat and positive for me, even though they told me it's hard for them to have me go so far away. My mother jokingly said she is tired of pushing me out of the nest and having me come back to her, she sincerely hopes this is the last time she needs to do it!
Welcome, jamaicansgirl, do stick and stay!

Children are prioritised like spouses, and the beauty of a young child is they have no background or criminality to be investigated, so it should go quickly. Estimate an outside time of 6 months, I should think.