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frankfield said:
Nevaeha said:
You may be up against a big challenge today, but that means you have a big destiny. The size of your problem is an indication of the size of your future.

wow!! if Joel says this... it must be true. Especially when I am having a good day,, god forbid my neighbour says it on a day when I am not feeling so well... when I am being encouraged to hang on... We are mighty in our faith when life is going well but we hate and reject others who remind us that all thing work together for good for those who love ""GOD". This is why I am rastafari...not christian cause one has to be loving to be loved in this faith... hell and damnation is the reward according to the individuals who profess christianity.

Chickie, I apologize for posting a note that could have been offensive to you... There was a reason for it.. You gently asked with question marks and I was pissed so responded harshly.. The thing is I see the way you remain respectful of the Jamaican culture and defends it when others say sarcastic things.. even go to their defense when they are blamed for things that are outside of their control... The remark about wanna be Jamaican was provoked by a dirty in box msg... It was not meant for anyone who marries a Jamaican man because they are in love with each other.. but one who sees black men as a sex toy... a live vibrator. History has shown that the Caribbean is seen as a place of sex, sea, sand... and many individuals see the black man as a phallic symbol..
Everyone has their own way of contributing to the forum, encouraging, providing info, entertaining, etc.. Nothing is wrong if someone joins the conversation with opposition but it just goes to show that people will only love you when you tell them what they want to hear... I usually don't care what anyone thinks but I see how despite my harshness Chickie, you show respect even when you felt offended... I am a big girl and thought I could take a page out of your book and say you manage yourself quite classy... and publicly say I am sorry.. I know the offensive note was not sent by you... The thing is the same bible that folks like to quote shows how individuals where stones by religious people when they told the truth.. I have been on this forum longer than anyone here now and will continue to post when the spirit moves me...

I also know that everything I have said will ring through eventually...and those who see it fit to cowardly send dirty msg will one day remember my words... this is a promise unfortunately! I inboxed someone to really encourage her because I remember how a member in boxed me when I felt discouraged and it helped me.. so I was playing it forward.. then came the dirty email... I feel sorry for the man that is coming to join you... he is going to find out that Jah was delaying the process because he was coming to a witch.... good luck guy, you are going to need it..

WOW is all I can say to this post! I will be honest in the fact that sometimes I think you drink alot of alcohol or smoke alot of ganga before you come on and post in the forum LMAO but I gotta say you do make me laugh at some of the things you say and from one person who speaks her mind to another of the same, take this as a compliment not an insult LOL I am nothing but honest in what I say, my hubby always says he won't ask me anything he don't really want an answer too because he knows I will tell him the truth, my theory....why lie? because then you have to remember all the others that you told to cover up the first one and I don't have a good enough memory to remember them all and would get caught first chance :) When your original message came in you said Big up to all Jamaicans and wanna be Jamaicans and yes I kind of took it offensively because no I am not Jamaican so the only other thing I could be would be the wanna be Jamaican and I am glad that you seen where I have taken it offensively. I agree with you whole heartedly that not all people who marry Jamaicans are in it because they love one another but I truly don't feel that if anyone was in it for any other thing that they would even bother with coming on this forum to find out information about this process. I for one know how much time this forum takes out of my day and if I was just with my hubby for money or his "Phallus" I definitely wouldn't give a darn about this forum. As for people that post things that are religious, well everyone is entitled to their opinion and if that is their slice of the pie then let them eat it because that is their belief and we all have our own beliefs in every culture and every nation. I truly do respect you for coming on here and telling me your are sorry. It takes alot to admit we are sorry and they say that "sorry" is the hardest word in the world to say so big ups to you and I will accept your apology.
As for the person that sent you the dirty inbox message.....everywhere there are badmind people and we can't change them....they are who they are but this message is to that person. You are a coward if you cannot come on and voice your opinion in front of others and like I said, everyone is entitled to their own opinion so if you don't like something someone said then tell that person. (which is what I did to Frankfields post about wannabe jamaicans) I could have inboxed her and shouted obsenities at her but I didn't, I came right out and asked her what she meant by it and she gave me back her definition and it was all under the bridge after that.
I don't know about anyone else but this forum is a place for me to learn about this process and everything that I have learned...i have been able to play it forward to others going thru the same thing. We are all here for the same reason and we should be kindred spirits just for the fact that we all know what each other is going through. Can you go to your co-workers, family, friends and they ACTUALLY know how you feel? NO you can't, as much as they say "I know how you feel", THEY DON'T but this little famjam we have going here does. So please don't ruin it by being badmind or evil to other kindred spirits in this forum.


Once again, thank you Frankfield.


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well I hope that didn't put a damper on the spirit of the forum.......happy halloween everyone......did you get lots of kids at your door? I live in an apartment so we didn't get any kids at all woohoo more chocolate for me! :0


Hero Member
Sep 5, 2011
Thanks chickie..

I don't drink...ever, cause the love of the rum caused my people to be enslaved.. I don't smoke ganja, it is my sacrament but I understand that I would come across as drunk to say the things I say sometimes. I am love and hated for the same thing.. my drunken honesty. But when I want to know folks also I may say things I don't necessarily believe to flush out hypocrites. I love this trait in a person... I love when someone tells me the truth but not in a way where you disguise yourself. I can be fake and say nice things to be liked but would rather be disliked for the truth etc.. Anyway I was moved by the way you defended an argument recently... it showed you did not marry a Jamaican because it was trendy to do so but because you are a sister from another land... It made me respect you. If I interact with someone and they start to say or behave different from how they usually behave I don't immediately think it is about me, I ask myself "I wonder what is going on with this person"? I realize at the end of the day it is best to come forward and be me...annoyingly honest. The truth is when I read the post sometimes, they are so depressing so I tried to cheer folks up or just raise some arguments to encourage folks to continue living live till the "buddy" arrive cause when the real business of communal living begins one will find yourself missing the days of being separated. Sometimes I ask the questions others are afraid to ask... raise the topic too sensitive to speak on... say the things others think... but wont say. Sometimes I see some bad mind thing on this forum.. someone gets good news and instead of celebrating, people start talk fart bout unfair practice and how Kingston don't process according to receipt... ah so it go, a no fe you time yet, stop being a joy killer and go into depressing everytime someone have good news.. The reason why some people file is at the bottom of the pile is because they are annoying..

I am going to share something and believe it if you will... my friend is working as IO, she spends 3-6 months in different countries for the last 4 years.. Recently, she was in Jamaica.. returned for a three week break and will be in Columbia for 5 months. She said this emailing Kingston every minute, ordering notes and calling mps to harass them in Kingston is why some folks get F****. When did harassing any IO cause you to get a ppr. You are dealing with human beings who don't like when you behave like they are incompetent and not doing their job. Your file get fling into the "so and so" pile. So this is why i would sometime say without saying too much, take it easy..cause I know it does more harm than good to provoke these folks.. cause the constant badgering does not help your case. I have seen where people give the proper info regarding this and gets cuss out on this forum... Sometimes the patient people get punished because of the hasty Suzettes....

When we enter into long distance relationship it is the risk we take... it is stressful no doubt but chill out and know it must come through... And stop hating on someone because they don't live in you fairy-tale love zone. My husband lives here now and when he first arrived after I got tired of the stiff drinks, I wish I had my space to myself and am sure he missed being a cave man. This thing is not some Hollywood script...happily ever after so I was at times trying to say hush everything soon alright breathe. And if you are going to get depressed do so before someone get a ppr.. As a matter of fact people must stop telling when they get these calls so individuals stop falling into psychosis... wait till de man land then let the bad mind people get a break from all that roller coaster of emotion. Chickie, I am going to behave myself.. I promise. Your man soon come and he is not going no where when he gets here for you are real.


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oneandonly said:
Sammy she looks so adorable in her costume all cuddled up to the tree with the fall leaves around her. What a great picture!!! is that a Halloween photo shoot?
I took this picture while we were waiting to get her fall pictures done. Her pictures by the photographer turned out really good


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frankfield said:
Thanks chickie..

I don't drink...ever, cause the love of the rum caused my people to be enslaved.. I don't smoke ganja, it is my sacrament but I understand that I would come across as drunk to say the things I say sometimes. I am love and hated for the same thing.. my drunken honesty. But when I want to know folks also I may say things I don't necessarily believe to flush out hypocrites. I love this trait in a person... I love when someone tells me the truth but not in a way where you disguise yourself. I can be fake and say nice things to be liked but would rather be disliked for the truth etc.. Anyway I was moved by the way you defended an argument recently... it showed you did not marry a Jamaican because it was trendy to do so but because you are a sister from another land... It made me respect you. If I interact with someone and they start to say or behave different from how they usually behave I don't immediately think it is about me, I ask myself "I wonder what is going on with this person"? I realize at the end of the day it is best to come forward and be me...annoyingly honest. The truth is when I read the post sometimes, they are so depressing so I tried to cheer folks up or just raise some arguments to encourage folks to continue living live till the "buddy" arrive cause when the real business of communal living begins one will find yourself missing the days of being separated. Sometimes I ask the questions others are afraid to ask... raise the topic too sensitive to speak on... say the things others think... but wont say. Sometimes I see some bad mind thing on this forum.. someone gets good news and instead of celebrating, people start talk fart bout unfair practice and how Kingston don't process according to receipt... ah so it go, a no fe you time yet, stop being a joy killer and go into depressing everytime someone have good news.. The reason why some people file is at the bottom of the pile is because they are annoying..

I am going to share something and believe it if you will... my friend is working as IO, she spends 3-6 months in different countries for the last 4 years.. Recently, she was in Jamaica.. returned for a three week break and will be in Columbia for 5 months. She said this emailing Kingston every minute, ordering notes and calling mps to harass them in Kingston is why some folks get F****. When did harassing any IO cause you to get a ppr. You are dealing with human beings who don't like when you behave like they are incompetent and not doing their job. Your file get fling into the "so and so" pile. So this is why i would sometime say without saying too much, take it easy..cause I know it does more harm than good to provoke these folks.. cause the constant badgering does not help your case. I have seen where people give the proper info regarding this and gets cuss out on this forum... Sometimes the patient people get punished because of the hasty Suzettes....

When we enter into long distance relationship it is the risk we take... it is stressful no doubt but chill out and know it must come through... And stop hating on someone because they don't live in you fairy-tale love zone. My husband lives here now and when he first arrived after I got tired of the stiff drinks, I wish I had my space to myself and am sure he missed being a cave man. This thing is not some Hollywood script...happily ever after so I was at times trying to say hush everything soon alright breathe. And if you are going to get depressed do so before someone get a ppr.. As a matter of fact people must stop telling when they get these calls so individuals stop falling into psychosis... wait till de man land then let the bad mind people get a break from all that roller coaster of emotion. Chickie, I am going to behave myself.. I promise. Your man soon come and he is not going no where when he gets here for you are real.
+1 for everything you said except I dont agree with the notes because those come from CIC in Mississauga and they don't have to harass kingston for those.....and it is the only way i have ever known what is going on with my file and my file is going along just fine......I do agree that peeps shouldn't harass Kingston because it won't make it go any faster....no ones is any different than any others so no matter what you say to them it won't make a difference to them and I have seen the results of some people harassing them and it does seem like it takes even longer for those that do that. Maybe it is a blessing that Kingston don't answer my emails or that my MP won't help me LOL

When my husband was in Canada, we were together constantly, my hubby wouldnt even go to the club without me...he tried once and within an hour he was calling me to come get him.....story being, this has been hard on us to be apart because for 2 1/2 years we were together constantly except for worktime but I truly believe that it has made us stronger as a couple and we have had our ups and downs during these last 20 months but we truly are better people and when it is our time, it will be our time, not a minute sooner or later.

Thanks again :)


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sammystorm19 said:
I took this picture while we were waiting to get her fall pictures done. Her pictures by the photographer turned out really good
everyday I see her pics on Facebook and they always make me smile because she is soooo cute!


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Can you believe there are only 61 days left in 2013?!?!?!?

Let's go Kingston!!!!!!


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Nevaeha said:

Can you believe there are only 61 days left in 2013?!?!?!?

Let's go Kingston!!!!!!
Good morning famjam! Last day of the week and the first day of November......what have you got in store for us Kingston? Whos NEXTTTTTTT!!!!

Man it is windy in our little town today.....newspeople said winds will be up to 70 Kmph today and the clouds are dark! What a way to start November but at least it isn't that S word that we all don't want to hear! Back to work talk to you all later. Have a great Friday!


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Sep 5, 2011
chickie72 said:
I truly believe that it has made us stronger as a couple and we have had our ups and downs during these last 20 months but we truly are better people and when it is our time, it will be our time, not a minute sooner or later.
A so it go...bawling na go help you.. when papa come you will cherish the time together. The stress of being apart allows you to become real with each other. cuss and make up, draw closer to each other, communicate and so on.



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frankfield said:
A so it go...bawling na go help you.. when papa come you will cherish the time together. The stress of being apart allows you to become real with each other. cuss and make up, draw closer to each other, communicate and so on.

Very fitting song minus the babies! :p


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before xmas? maybe?
Nevaeha said:
My hubby and I would love to have our own baby but believe me this process is not helping matters and I'm not getting any younger....
I was saying the same thing to my husband. I told him that if kingson doesn't smarten up I'm going to phone them up and tell them how my ovaries are starting to shrivel up lol.


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danielle902 said:
I was saying the same thing to my husband. I told him that if kingson doesn't smarten up I'm going to phone them up and tell them how my ovaries are starting to shrivel up lol.
I'm glad you can find some humour in it!!!!

I'm in the process of booking my trip to JA in January and my hubby reminded me to book my flight when I'm ovulating!!!!!! :D


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Nevaeha said:
I'm glad you can find some humour in it!!!!

I'm in the process of booking my trip to JA in January and my hubby reminded me to book my flight when I'm ovulating!!!!!! :D
Awww too cute! Hubby is ready Nev

Yay for baby making lolol


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danielle902 said:
I was saying the same thing to my husband. I told him that if kingson doesn't smarten up I'm going to phone them up and tell them how my ovaries are starting to shrivel up lol.
LMAO too cute

@ Nev-that is sweet about hubby telling you to come when you are ovulating! A happy anniversary baby! woohoo


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December 25, 2013
chickie72 said:
LMAO too cute

@ Nev-that is sweet about hubby telling you to come when you are ovulating! A happy anniversary baby! woohoo
fromadistance said:
Awww too cute! Hubby is ready Nev

Yay for baby making lolol
Thanks ladies! :-*

My hubby has already named our daughter and has given her green eyes!!!! I told him that a baby can't be made to order!!!!