HF... the food you can take depends on the food and not the travel reason... they don't have different rules for new PRs... basically what it comes down to is that it cannot be personally imported if it competes with or can endanger the situation here (so meat is always iffy unless cooked, many fruits can come (since they are not grown or widely available here), some veggies can come (not scallions, tomatoes ect), dairy products need to be pasturized, most packaged goods are okay as long as they have nutritional data on them, seeds are not allowed i don't think)... if the traveler is heading to a farm, the list becomes much tighter...
funny story here...
i get pulled out and customed searched a lot (have at least a dozen stamps for ja in my passport, and i fly in/out of kingston more than mobay, guess those are two red flags for a single woman traveler?) anyways... i had this one evil woman questioning me and analyzing everything (worst one i ever had)... when she went in the back room for some reason, i got bored and looked around... the guy next to me was going thru a huge suitcase full of food from someone else on my flight... everything is in scandal bag and such, but he's just feeling the bag and saying "mangoes, okay... scallions, no no... jamaican yam, okay" and so on... i'm giggling about this and my bi*#% gets back and asks me what is so amusing (with some extra comment that i don't realize how much trouble i'm in or some business, trying to scare me)... i say, he's good... don't even need to take the stuff out of the bag... if i'm ever on a fruit feeling game show, i want him on my team... he thought it was very amusing, guess he was her superior because she just made some comment about him being very good at his job... when he stepped away, she scolded me for not minding my own business... dumb bi*#%
anyways.. she was evil... could find absolutely nothing on me (neither of us smoke anything and rarely drink, so her intimidation techniques were very wasted on me)... she wanted to go thru my pictures on my camera... i was excited to show someone (we'd stayed up at strawberry hill that trip, so the pictures were stunning... she wasn't overly impressed at my interest to show her the phenomenal scenery... i kept asking her if she'd like to see more lol)..
anyways... i digress... what is allowed is based on changing rules from customs canada, if he has anything he really wants to bring, it can't help to try... worst that happens is it gets confiscated and they tell you not to do it again... what i've found from every report i've heard is that it's fairly rare for them to search PRs on first entry... i guess they figure 1) you're just getting into the country, you're probably not going to do anything to risk getting denied and having all that hard work thrown down the drain, and 2) PRs are moving and thus carrying tons of personal belongings, probably a lot of work to search, so why bother... if he was to bring a few things and not claim them, i suspect they wouldn't even bat an eye... if he does claim them, they may decide to search him tho... dunno... when we landed, we were too weighed down with all our crap to bring anything other than the typical bottles of stones and rum cream....