sheriB said:
Well am not married... I am being sponsored as a dependent of my mother. I am in my mid-twenties however I have never left school. I went from high school to college to university. So I'm a dependent over the age of 22 who is fully dependent on parent. I wish I could tell you what's happening with immigration, my mother decided to use a lawyer (a rather expensive lawyer) instead of listening to me.
Am kinda here by myself, mother and siblings (Canadians) live in Canada, trying to figure out how and where my life is going. Am getting older with no sense of direction.
SheriB, don't you ever give up on your dreams. Use this time to search your soul and find out what it is you want. You're young, and it's hard on young people to understand where they want to go, but it will all fall into place for you. My heart dropped when I heard your story it sounds so sad, but just knowing that you're staying in school, trying to keep out of trouble, doing the right thing gives me hope. Don't ever give up my young sister. The world is full of opportunities, and when you get to Canada so many doors will open for you. God has a great life in store for you, just wait and see. I'll be praying for you and I hope when you get to Canada it's close enough to Toronto that we can hook up one day so I can see how you're adjusting and if there's anything I can do to help.
Take care, be blessed and stay blessed.