may4ank said:
Thanks Can you check your COPR ? My last entry date and original entry dates are same. but My Original date entry was one year back.
I got my COPR on friday as well and I have similar problem with my and my wife's original/last entry date ( My Original entry date is set to my second entry to canada and my wife last entry date is set to her last second entry date in canada, i.e in both cases one of the date is off by one ). Not sure if it matters and whether I should worry about getting it corrected. I am currently inside canada and planning on doing inland landing at ottawa.
I searched through the forum/internet and see that some other people also had similar problem. ( paste them in google to get the correct links as it forum reply complaints if I to post links in my post)
The following thread suggest to ignore these now and directly go for inland landing and request officer there to get it corrected.;msg4824358#msg4824358
Following two thread suggest that these dates are not very significant from PR perpective but might be useful in case you are planning to apply for citizenship .;msg3177997#msg3177997
cectoolkit.weebly faqs/errors-or-wrong-information-on-the-cpr-do-i-have-to-have-that-corrected
Can anyone advice on this? Is it good idea to ignore these mistakes now and go for landing formalities ( via inland landing) and then request the officer there to get COPR corrected ( or not mention this at all ) ? Did anyone experienced similar situation ?