hey guys
have been very busy with other things (yaaaaay) and i was trying to stay away but i'm curious like a cat
i'm in hurry and it's just here i still keep in touch with this forum for now and i wanted to say hiii ;D LOL Amanda don't remove me, if i have news for sure i'll say but looking at their timeline not yet....84 days hmmmm.......whatever.....i'll focus on other things.....i have some swears to say but it's not nice

congrats for the new approvals for everyone but i'm really really happy for madmtl and ocanadaguy, u r my heroes!!!!!!! congraaaaaats....madmtl update us abt the CSQ too!!!!! (when u applied, how long it took, etc....good luck!!....my papers r ready since long time i guess i have to change the signing date LOL)....and OMG ocanadaguy they don't have all ur papers, that's so strange and even more strange that they don't say it clearly; like this it was so confusing cuz u didn't know if something was wrong with the forms or who knows!!!
laleh_d if u read this, no i didn't get my approval yet, obviously!!

message to I.N. not related to immigration but with her Easter wishes (some people from some parts of the world celebrate Easter this weekend, same her and me

) multumesc pt mesaj, de fapt nu m-as fi logat deloc dar vroiam sa-ti raspund, si tie Paste Fericit cu sanatate si o viza pana la Inaltare

profita din plin de Pastele de acolo, eu nu l-am mai petrecut acolo de 10 ani, dar chiar si departe am vopsit oua, drob, etc etc....toate de capul meu!!!! asa o sa fie totul mai aproape de cum eram obisnuita....numai bine si da keep in touch!!!! :*
good luck everyone!!